
August Garden Harvest | Garden Tips | Zone 3B

Today I wanted to take you along on as we harvest onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots from our garden in preparation for winter. I hope you enjoy!

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Jun Scoby

If that one is sold out check out this one!

Silicone Fermentation Lids

Fermentation Pebbles

Homesteading Books I recommend:

Preserving Without Canning or Freezing

Root Cellaring

The Woodland Homestead

Farming in the Woods

Grassfed Cattle

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  1. Good morning Chelsea, wonderful helpers in the garden. When you break the onions to allow sugar into the onions, is that right before you pick them or do you leave them in the ground a little longer? Take care. Blessings to you and the children.

  2. It’s been a weird year in the garden almost everywhere in Canada this year … Mother Nature was not taking her meds hihi it’s not the best year either for the garden still getting harvest just not what I would like or was expecting … last year was a crazy good year so it’s ok but still first year I had to buy a bushel of Italian tomatoes to make sure I could do all the canning I need for the year …. 🙁

  3. Great Harvest. I picked up 100lbs of tomatoes from the same farm 🙂 I have about 30lbs left to process. Into salsa and Rotel. Looking forward to your next video. Ohh. I planted candy roaster squash. I have about 7 good sized ones. They look amazing all because of the review gave last year. Everyone who sees them want seeds Have a 🙂

  4. So what was the name of the purple beans? You mentioned you would put it up on the screen, but I couldn't see where that went. 😊
    Awesome, more harvest! 🙂

  5. A beautiful garden! So much fun to watch the harvesting! Looking forward to seeing how you preserve it all. Your beautiful family sure is growing too!!!

  6. Beautiful garden and harvest. It’s so great to see your kids helping you harvest your veggies. Those purple green beans look like they are a Italian heirloom called Trionfo Violetto Pole Bean. Botanical Interests in US sells them. They are prolific and delicious pole bean. I’ve been growing them for 6 years!

  7. So nice to see you! Admittedly, it's been a tough few months. You're showing up just in time. I'm ready for joy and to witness the beauty of your harvest.

  8. Hey so good to see allot of videos coming from the farm, so enjoy seeing how beautiful your garden is, seeing all the veggies that you are harvesting from your garden, great seeing all the children involved in harvesting the garden and that they have there own gardens this year. You had a great onion harvest this year. I struggle growing onions here in Tennessee. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I think my soil is lacking something they really need. Looking forward to seeing your canning videos coming up.

  9. You are such an inspiration. Great videos, looking forward to checking out the forest garden since I am expanding mind next spring. 🇨🇦🐝

  10. Such a beautiful harvest, lots of colors and shapes. I admire your gardening skills, but much more your kindness and respect as a mother!

  11. Love seeing all the hard paying off!! Enjoy the family time picking together love their enthusiasm 🙂
    Even if worse case the tomatoes do not ripen on the vine they still will in a warm space in the house or on the porch. That is wonderful about the apples to! Such a nice warm feeling watching the harvesting getting ready for winter food. hugs

  12. I really love your channel. Love the family involvement with the children in the garden and having their own gardens.
    Keep the video's coming they are a delight….I love learning from you and being reminded of what I know but have forgotten. ( I've reached that age where sometimes the info is there and well… sometimes it's not…lol) But, it's a delight when you remind me.

  13. I can't wait to see your next video. I always look forward to them. I am myself been preserving as much as I can from the garden for the winter.

  14. I'm so glad I found your channel again. I used to watch (never missed one) and then they didn't come up in the feed so I thought you weren't making videos. Just in time for preserving – my favorite. Thank you for making the videos while you put up all this food.

  15. Hi Chelsea ! I love watching all of your videos . My favourites are harvesting, cooking and canning-as I am very new to it.
    I think your pole beans are called Purple Hyacinth. I grow them too but was really disappointed when they turned green when cooked but they are delicious!

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