Vegetable Gardening

Indoor Gardening Tips : Lighting for Indoor Vegetable Gardening

Lighting plays a large part in the success and health of an indoor vegetable garden. Learn about lighting for an indoor vegetable garden with help from the owner of a nursery in this free video clip.

Expert: Oscar Carmona
Bio: Oscar Carmona owns Healing Grounds Nursery, located in Santa Barbara, California, where he has been involved in sustainable food production for the past 30 years.
Filmmaker: Alfredo Rodriguez

Series Description: An indoor garden presents its own set of problems over an outdoor counterpart but in the end can be just as rewarding. Get indoor gardening tips with help from the owner of a nursery in this free video series.


  1. I was hoping to hear about cfl bulbs or something. I will be growing vegetables indoors before putting them in the garden outside. There isnt a good spot in the house for 5-7 hrs of sunlight from our windows. Maybe I will have to move them outside during the day for full sun and back in again at night until they are ready 🙁

  2. Wow, what a shit video. Absolutely no usable information. Thank goodness it was a little over a minute of my life wasted.

  3. I firmly believe that lighting for indoor vegetable garden is the best way in order to improve the growth and production of your plants. Indoor gardening are very interesting and rewarding for me. Great job! 

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