Japanese Garden

Understand Root over Rock and creating a taxus over rock bonsai

Growing a root over rock bonsai is a journey that everyone should do one day. In this video the basic concept, the design ideas and an example of a root over rock bonsai!

The previous Root over Rock bonsai video is here: https://youtu.be/iLpkoeLC4sg
Take a look at a full-size lilac bonsai video: https://youtu.be/-RXJTfa8y7w
The origin of the cutting: https://youtu.be/KZEfhn6lPHM

0:00 Root over rock bonsai
0:45 my first bonsai?
1:34 Concept of Root over Rock bonsai
2:50 Tip one for interesting root over rock bonsai
4:00 Tip two. Importance of age of material for root over rock
4:38 Tip 3. Positioning the tree on the rock
5:08 What style of tree for root over rock?
5:29 Looking at an older root over rock bonsai and its roots
7:17 Putting together a root over rock yew bonsai
12:45 the importance of Aluminium foil and a surprising way to cover the rock
14:30 Aftercare
15:00 Another root over rock. Trident Maple 2 years in development!


  1. Nice video as always, Jelle!
    The Chinese Elms over rocks that I prepared earlier this year following your instructions have slowed down for winter, but have been growing well! I can see lots of roots at their base, and had quite some growth in the canopy. Haven’t trimmed them yet, and I’ll soon share an update video! Thanks for the valuable tips!

  2. Quick question: it seemed like you used a different substrate composition for attaching the roots to the rock; what was in that substrate?

    I've collected a few rocks from the local coastline I'm considering for a future project. They're not as cracked/porous as yours are since they're mostly granite or gneiss, but they haven't been worn too smooth yet. Hopefully they should still make visual sense.

  3. Hi Jelle, i am a little confused or maybe i missed something?! but it looked like you did not put the cocopeat all the way down to the potting mix before adding the foil. Does this not mean that once the roots get to the edge of the cocopeat, they will dry up and die before reaching the soil below the rock?

  4. Great video jelle! And a littel update to the brazilian raintree you sent me.
    I got it last week. And it lost almost all it leaves. Put i put it straight in my indoor greenhouse with light and fans. And Its looking good now! Think it going to pull true!

  5. The idea is beautiful and the stone too
    I have redbud seedlings, I will try to plant one like you, but the stone is a problem😅, I will try to find one😁

  6. Great explanation! I also love root over rock. Yes my rock is too smooth, But I used it because it has memories for me and I needed somewhere to keep it. Haha!

  7. Amazing video Jelle. I have been wanting to try a root over rock. After watching this I feel a lot more comfortable with the process. Now to find a nice rock!

  8. Great explanation and very interested about using aluminum foil straight over the young roots. I started my trdient maple and chinese elm root over rocks about 3 years ago and they are still buried in pots. I will start to have a look at them and uncover the top few cm next spring. The hardest issue i find is trying not to rush the process. I have just one completed chinese elm root on rock and that started in 2015 with a young cutting. Your advice is spot on – and do as many as you are able. Cheers for this one, Xav

  9. Developing my 4 year old, seed planted Europea ash, root over the rock. It already developed an amazing root system . I‘m looking forward to watch the progress of your trees, Jelle. 👍 Kind regards from Austria 🙋‍♀️

  10. That is a fascinating project. I'm partial to windswept pines grown in that style, might even give it a try one day, if I can get my sister to bring me a nice heavy rock..

  11. Really nice tutorial Jelle. What is the purpose of adding the substrate over the aluminum foil? Thanks, keep growing

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