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The Crimes of the Liberators – America's Dark Secrets in WWII | Full Documentary

US soldiers have historically fought for democracy and the freedom of other nations. Yet throughout history Uncle Sam’s hands are not entirely clean. In the wake of the Allies’ advance against fascism, there were numerous atrocities committed by the victors, not only in the East.

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  1. So basically the guy at the start admitted his friend committed war crimes by shooting unarmed German soldiers that were surrendering

  2. Not that its excusable because such atrocities are not, but it is curious as to why we would expect civility from individuals on any side that were forced into the most uncivilized display of humanity that is war itself.

  3. Does everyone think what the allies found and saw that they were not affected,not only during the time of battle,but for the rest of their lives.When you are in battle,you don't act,think,perform,or operate as a normal person.War turns men into DOGS.My uncle told me that,who was at Normandy,and was captured by the Germans.

  4. There's no evidence that any so-called atrocities were directed by higher authority. Nor were they a deliberate policy of the government or military. Isolated events doubtlessly occurred on the part of individuals but are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things

  5. Wasnt one of the reasons the ss involved in the malmedy masacre had their death sentence's commuted to life, because americans had done the same thing at bergen belson… There's even some film footage of two germans surrendering with their hands up being mowed down with a volley of fire…

  6. Nowadays , no-one remembers ,a witch ….. Madeleine Albright said in 1996 it was "worth it" for sanctions to kill 500,000 Iraqi children .

  7. I think it's really rich and hypocritical for a German to be on here bitching about ANYONE'S war crimes!!!! SMFH…..

  8. Despite what's said American G.I.,s are not well known for raping women. It's just not factual. Revisionist history anti American propaganda.

  9. These were individual acts, not state directed mass murder. This video sounds like it was produced by neo Nazis. The Reich dished it out to tens of millions- they whine when they are on the receiving end. About 600,000 Germans were killed by Allied bombing raids. If we had had the atom bomb In 1944 or early 1945 it wold have been dropped on Berlin. Too bad.

  10. The Brit’s might not have killed the guards at Bergen Belsen but I’m suprised you didn’t say that most of them guards got away with their crimes at trial. That wasn’t justice…

  11. I don't feel sorry for Japanese and German people. Not one bit. They reaped what they had sown. They supported the mad men and they got what was coming to em.

  12. I'm sure nazi German soldiers were all champions of human rights, none of them ever touched a civilian in their lives. The cheeky moral outrage of this documentary is laughable. Nazi soldiers were actually monsters, propped up and supported by the nazi German civilian population. Word of advice, next time don't invade Europe or bomb civilian capitals. Then maybe your soldiers will not be shot while they are 'surrendering' or some such nonsense and gibberish all over this documentary

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