Garden Plans

Dumping leaves all over the grocery row garden.

the grocery row garden system is inspired by watching the survival gardener @David The Good


  1. You remind me that I need to go rake leaves! Actually, I think I'll have the kids do it. Your gardens look great – thank you for letting me in on what you're doing.

  2. I covered my whole garden, with fall leaves, and have turned them under with a pitchfork nearly every 2 weeks. Allowing th leaves 2 weeks in th ground before th next batch get cycled in. Developing or building up th soil for next year's planting season.

  3. Birds and squirrels had eaten my winter rye seeds causing growth in patches, I covered with fine fencing with the 3rd sowing, but a squirrel was still chewing away under it. Good Growing…

  4. Leaves are such a gift from the universe. I feel lucky that people like you and me recognize what a gift they are. Happy gardening!

  5. zeer goed with the leaves method πŸ™‚ have alot of them too but only silt track dirt… hope to recondition it.. . enjoy the good vibes garden ..

  6. 1:38 … Nope! Some birds are to clever to mistaken food with no food… It`s just… Some birds, like the crow for eq… just like to play… and see your onion field as a play ground… they pull one out… bulb… get a ball things out… It`s fun… let`s do the next… See if it gets bigger… hihihi… that`s what the bird think… 😁

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