Gardening Supplies

Supply Chain CRISIS Hits Close to Home – LITERALLY

In this video, I talk about the supply chain crisis and how small businesses like The Prong Garden Tools are finding it tough to get stock and stay afloat with high freight costs, rising inflation, and accessibility to the market in general. (affiliate)

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*Disclaimer: Some links to products in this description and comments sections are affiliated, meaning, I receive a small commission if you follow these links and then purchase an item. I will always declare in a video if the video is sponsored and so far since starting my channel in 2011, I am yet to do a sponsored video.


  1. Ice age farmer on youtube has great explanations on this whole crisis, if anyone of you is interested. Seems like it'll get worse first, who knows how bad though! Good vid m8

  2. Get a kaboodle kitchen from Bunnings. Easy enough to put together yourself. If I can do it anyone can 😊
    Good quality too. We've had it for over 5 years now and it's still good.

  3. Ben watching channel 1 for a long time. For some reason I didn't about #2. Love the yaking. Look forward to catching up on more of your videos here.

  4. I think he might have sold them all, Mark – trying to get online to buy a PRONG as just what I need! (Our internet has crashed in Tassie.) Times are exceedingly bizarre , to say the least, & there's no way it's all random. Keep doing what you do & telling us what you know – I really think people need to have their wits about them – & get the seeds in, while you can… Keep safe & I hope the flippin' rain has stopped for you.

  5. Hi Mark. Ironically or not I'm a financial planner. I have to use my own judgement for many aspects of my job. Being able to see the best and worst of an outcome is what I do.
    Unfortunately, recent events have reinforced my opinion what is happening and any of my clients know I refer to it as the "tin foil hat theory". We are in for a tough few years I feel 😔. On a good note for you Mark, more people will need to turn to self sufficiency or income diversification (multiple income sources) in order to meet everyday needs. Stay strong and find alternative options. Don't be afraid of stepping away from the herd.

  6. Thank you so much!!! Keep up the great work. You are making such an important impact on this beautiful planet in so many important ways. <3

  7. Hello Mark Family.
    Just wanted you all to know that we here in the USA are with you and support your community during this terrible times. We sent our love, care, concerns for you & all effected during this hardship. God Bless you all you are in our prayers.

  8. Do yourself a favour mark and watch the YouTube series called: Hidden secrets of money. 10, 25 min videos.

    It will explain why everything your complaining about is happening.

    Very easy series to watch and explains it properly.

    Good luck

  9. I like fishing from the bank from small creeks and ponds. A lot of people start fishing and get too hung up on the boating

  10. The establishment has f****d us all over. Being off-grid and self sufficient is more important than ever these days. Love ya Mark.

  11. .
    The floods are deliberate go see Geoengineering and understand for yourself. All that devastation could have been avoided on the coast.

  12. Love your videos Mark, especially these rambling videos😁. I'm so happy you and your family are doing well.

  13. My husband also stayed home with the kids and no other additional income. He stayed home for 16 years. He went back to work like 5 years ago and it is so nice. I now work from home and no longer have to go into the city. My work has been very busy for the last 2 years and now has slowed down. I am looking forward to getting back into the garden this year and ran across your channel. It is so full of helpful information. Keep up the good work. You are really encouraging.

  14. Most people would have no need for something like that. Dandelions don't have roots that big. People in general have been spoiled in modern times and wouldn't know how to function without some conveniences.

  15. hey don't get me started on how things are now in brazil. it is BAD. the government did everything as bad as it could. thousands of people died on the pandemic with the delay in the deployment of vaccines (on purpose, I might add – the government still campains against it!) , inflation is rising, food prices are sky high. people are dying of hunger in more vulnerable areas as they have no money for food or even fuel to cook said food when they have it. everyone that is not rich is suffering. my own husband almost died from covid last year, being hospitalized for months, while my father passed away recently from the disease. my mother now lives on a meager pension, many times smaller than what my father earned from his job as the government reduced pensions some years ago and inflation eats most of it. this is not mismanagement by any means, but by design. people that are frightened, desperate and hopeless will vote for anyone or accept anything that could "save" them. what you said about being informed about politics is SO IMPORTANT. informed people can't be easily manipulated by demagogues.
    I hope we all have better days ahead.

  16. I like this format and subject matter of yours, keep doing it and keep doing it from the heart.

  17. My husband and I really enjoy your gardening channel . ( I just subscribed to this 1 ) .
    We retired a small plot of land in Missouri , USA , a couple of years ago . So we could learn to garden and get a milk cow .( Really glad we did because of the changes the world is going through . )
    We used containers last year , but are going to build raised beds this year as well , to expand our garden .
    I am looking forward to building a food forest in our front yard , in the years to come . I also want to get a self – sustainable flock of chickens started soon .
    I enjoyed your chat about the supply chain issues . I hope your friend is able to re – start his business . I would love to purchase 1 of those tools from him someday for our little homestead .
    Thank you for all the knowledge you share !! Have a great day !!

  18. Some corrections here:
    1. China is the centre of manufacturing in the world. Since the pandemic hit, they have had lockdowns and massive amounts of people sick. Hence production slows down.
    2. The necessary closure of borders in Australia has meant families have more money and nowhere to go, so have moved home or invested in their own home, leading to a demand for tradies and an increase in prices.
    3. The closure of borders has also pushed up the price of timber, as the usual inter-state trading has become more complex.
    None of this is permanent, it is all temporary. In return for these inconveniences, we have one of the lowest rates of covid deaths in the world and our economy has the lowest rate of unemployment since the 1980s.
    Patience is what is needed, not conspiracy theories.
    Australia has handled this global crisis better than any other large country, we should be very proud. The US under Trump was a total catastrophe. Anyone who could have died, died. Ignore any American posters, they are talking pure unadulterated shit.

  19. Big fan! Love the "overflow" vids on here. How about "Mark's Remarks" for vids like this? Just throwing it out there! Thanks for so much info and entertainment! Cheers!

  20. Love you Brother, you are so right. Your second channel is YOU being YOU! Totally love it!
    I know I'm late on the reply, but buddy, I don't miss a video from you.
    You are talking about reality on behalf of a friend.

  21. Great prospective. I've lived pretty reliant on modern day convinces all my life but really enjoy how much gardeners look out for each other. Hope you and your family are doing well!

  22. According to his site, he is now out of all stock. I was going to support him but stock is now all gone. For info of others.

  23. Pull the manufacture locally. Yes price will increase, but people will pay for it if they want it.

  24. I had a friend tell me that there was legislation in the works that might limit home gardens there. Can you say if there is any truth to that? If so, I pray for you all down there.
    Thanks for all your great work in sharing tips, I've picked up many over the years.

  25. I have pretty bad expectations on this global situation and it's really made my outlook on politicians and governments very negative. You know it's bad when the whole world cannot find food. This is nothing to ignore.

  26. Thanks for inspiring us to think ahead. We love being back to eating our own veggies. 🇨🇦

  27. Here too. Store shelves are low on products. I had a garden going. Most would have been ready to harvest right now. Someone between May 1 and last week continually sprayed something on my garden that has killed the entire thing. About all I could do was let it dry, wear protective clothing and gloves and tear everything out. I had the soil tested. Glyphosate and methyl parathion were used. I really don’t think I can use any of that soil for awhile. It’s quite discouraging. I’m not really feeling safe living here too. If they’re going to do that then what else would they do?

  28. Thanks. My father said, all politicians do is lie, cheat and steal. In 72 years now I have to admit unfortunately he was right.

  29. I couldn't agree more this different governments are being not worked probably and now like you said the prices are going up and up if only if there was a possibility to get a program or system to change this where all of this can't get changed because of this program almost like a system lock

  30. Global leaders have been meeting for years now working out ways to engineer society for what they call "the great reset". Hang onto your hats everyone. WEF members have infiltrated most governments around the world and we are heading for chaos.

  31. Sorry to hear about the prongs. I never got the chance to buy one. Hopefully he will be able to get back to having them made someplace else more reliable. My wife works with someone from China and they still have family there. They say it’s still real bad from the start of Covid-19 and they don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon.

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