Gardening Trends

“Coastal Grandma” – Why Gen Z wants to skip adulthood

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You’ve likely seen the Costal Grandma: the older, usually white, woman cocooned by her cream knit sweater, either lounging on the beach, or topping her roast chicken with red wine demi-glace. Characters like Diane Keaton in Something’s Gotta Give, Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia, Diane Lane in Under The Tuscan Sun or Jane Fonda in Grace and Frankie have been central to this affluent aesthetic. Her vibe is in right now – and not just for those in her demographic. Many Gen Zers, now in their late teens and early twenties, are proudly trying her on for size. So what’s behind this trend?

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00:00 Where did the Costal Grandma trend come from?
02:02 How to enjoy life as the Costal Grandma does
06:45 Honey
08:09 Relax rather than hustle
10:22 How to style yourself like a Coastal Grandma


  1. They can all go to Tampa Bay in Florida. Work in the service industry for those actual affluent coastal seniors. See how happy they truly are 🙄

  2. I'm 41, so a little older.
    40's are supposed to be "the new 20's". I do have a 4 year old but I'm happily part coastal grandma'. Not that I have money, because I'm part time but I moved from a busstling big city to a village of 2400 people.
    I have a very affordeble 2 bedroom house, a fairly, partly self sufficient garden and get myself and my daughter around on a box bike.
    Done with dating, finally at peace and trying to level, following divorce.
    Why would I wear those annoying jeans and tight fitting jeans? Do I want to look well groomed? Yeah. But looser kaftan's that adjust's to periods and other bodily changes, elastic wsste oants and tunics, long cardigans, a little coastal boho (loving Grace and Franky!) – yes please.
    All I want is peace and balance. I'm done with the hustling and trying to impress.

  3. Not just Gen Z – I'm Millenial and "This gotta give" aestethic has been my dream for the past 10 years 😂😂😂

  4. Okay but remembered that Donna in Mamma Mia was actually working her ass off everyday to keep her hotel business afloat so she and Sophie could afford to live. I doubt that changed much by the end of the movie.

  5. I want to add that the "Clean Girl" aesthetic is cultural appropriation where the sartorial and beauty traits of Black and Brown women are taken, as POC women are accused of looking "ghetto" while it gets to be elevated on women whose beauty is held up as an ideal

  6. I don’t know if I want to be older or be a costal grandparent myself but if I had an older grandmother I’d love to live in her beautiful house and like my life as she does to an extent.

  7. Diane Keaton's character in Something's Gotta Give is a succesful play wright who can live the way she wants and where she does, because she has worked hard for years and years. She's an older woman, who still works – because she loves her job. It worries me that some people want to pass on the journey of getting there and just go straight to the results. If you just like the asthetic, that's fine. If you do want to work, but focus on not stressing yourself in the proces, that's really good! But trying to slow down so much and only getting the end results, so it seems like you never want to work and make your own path in life, seems entitled to me.

  8. The aesthetic is not about the romantic love and starting over at all. It’s much more Golden Girls: female friendships, knowing who you are and what you like, not performing a persona for anyone.
    Wearing timeless and comfortable clothes instead of having to look sexy and trendy is freeing even for a 20sth yo. So is decorating your home and living a relaxed lifestyle with time for conversations, food and books instead of partying or dating all the time. Notably, men aren’t in the picture. Just clothes, home decor, books and food/drinks.
    It’s a more stylish spin on the cat lady and we can finally celebrate her.

  9. Many of us may never have the careers (or relationships) to be able to afford the actual lifestyle, but we can afford the aesthetics and attitude.

  10. It's pure escapism. Most 50 year olds aren't living this lifestyle, many are still working 40-50 hour weeks with no end in sight. Retirement might not happen till 80 the way things are going these days.

  11. TV & movies are full of cool grandmas & divorcees who, if you do the math, would have had to have babies in their mid 20s who in turn had babies in their mid 20s. THAT's the only way a coming-of-age woman can get advice from her wise gran who is still spry.

  12. This is literally my grandma's fashion & decor lmfaoooooo I love that it's trendy now! Jane Fonda's Grace could've just as well been based on my grandma as well 😂

  13. Now i get why the kids love me! I’m Gen X 50 but i look 30 and am trying to dress for my life now as a costal grandma and its making me look Gen z! 😂
    I moved to Georgia from NYC and am obsessed with Nautical theme, tropical plants , and decorate with shells

  14. So women now no longer want to work but stay home cooking, tending to their gardens, planning dinner parties, running errands, shopping for groceries at farmers markets, looking after their homes, drinking wine, relaxing, indulging in domesticity and generally taking life slow???

    How the tables have turned. Ironic no?🤣🤣🤣

  15. The coastal grandmother is an ideal of womanhood, and a reclamation of the joys of the home as opposed to the joys of the workplace. She is a reaction against both the Girlboss and the Influencer, as well as city living and artificial displays of wealth.

  16. I think these people cosplaying as rich are a little silly as a rich young adult. They are totally negating the fact that a lot of work goes into maintaining money and having a sustainable lifestyle as a rich person. My wealthy family members in their “grandma” years are very busy managing rental properties and ensuring the financial stability of their kids. They are far from lounging around. Also I’m gen z.

  17. I live by Lake Superior and this is a popular aesthetic among the Bayfeild peninsula

  18. The idea of having plenty of money for the rest of your life without having to sell your soul to a company to get it, because you're done? Plus you get to spoil your friends and family with your free time and money? No wonder it's an attractive idea!

  19. Millennials have now been through 2 recessions… they DESERVE to be the coastal 👵 grandmother!

  20. So, basically there's a problem with the working class, and the solution is to adopt a lifestyle of older, retired ladies, far away of work. Most curious.

  21. I think I aspire to the black version of this which is the Whoopi Goldberg aesthetic. Oversize neutral clothing black lipstick and no eyebrows. Some thing about Whoopi Goldberg tells me that she lives in a big fabulous house that she’s lived in for decades. A perfectly curated to her taste since she doesn’t have a husband. She’s living the dream

  22. Really? All this is is fantasizing about unattainable wealth. A beach house in the hamptons? They aren't relating to the person as old, they just want the I don't work and am effortlessly old money rich.

    And under the Tuscan sun is way off here. She's still working and isn't even 40.

  23. Coastal Grandmas vote for trump and 💩 on minorities. It is definitely not an aesthetic for me. In Florida if I see a person like this I know what to expect

  24. Hey! Can we please have a video on 40 year old Hollywood men dating females in their early 20s (such as John Mayer and Kiernan Shipka, and Chris Evans and his latest girlfriend) and about the power imbalance that these relationships entail? Xx

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