Garden Plans

Tournament All Peashooter & Mint Plants – Who Will Win? – PvZ 2 Team Plant Battlez

Tournament All Peashooter & Mint Plants – Who Will Win? – PvZ 2 Team Plant Vs Team Plant
#GZ #pvz2 #plantsvszombies2

******Play List Gameplay******
Plants VS Zombies 2 Tournament
Plants VS Zombies 2 Discovery
Plants VS Zombies 2 Zombie vs Zombie:
Plants VS Zombies 2 Plant vs Plant:

Primal Peashooter
Electric Peashooter
Goo Peashooter
Shadow Peashooter
Fire Peashooter
Snow Pea
Pea Pod
Mega Gatling Pea
Split Pea
Sling Pea
Snap Pea
Pea Nut
Pea Vine


  1. for these reasons plants vs zombies is the best game
    1) you update quite a lot of plants and zombies. The graphics are too good. It has a lot of mods

  2. Q1: What kind of Gargantuar that is your fav?

    Q2: What kind of Imp that is your fav?

    Q3: Do you think Turkey Wrangler Zombie annoying?(Special early Thanksgiving Food event)

    Q4: What kind of zombie that is your fav?

  3. Quiz: best bfn characters?
    A. peashooter
    abilities : R chili bean 50-159
    X pea gatling 7-8 per second
    L hyper jump
    B. wildflower
    abilities : R wildlife spawnpoint
    x dandelion explode 50,110
    L bloom boom 40,50,75
    C. acorn
    abilities (acorn): R sap trap 40,65
    X oak call
    L whirlwind speed 2 time

    oak: R super sap trap 75,100,125
    X: acorn back
    L: log jam 40,60

  4. Quiz: Better plants in pvz hero

    1. better trick A sizzle or B squash
    sizzle cost:5 do 5 damage to zombie uncommon
    squash cost:5 destroy zombie common

    2. A.twin sunflower or B. sunny shroom
    twin sunflower Cost : 2 start turn got 2 sun (super rare)
    sunny shroom Cost : 3 start turn got 2 sun (uncommon)

  5. For MariPeater shipper, let's remember for Repeater, his girlfriend is now with someone else 🥀🥀🥀

  6. What's do you think who will win?
    Hair metal gargantuar vs Tutorial gargantuar =?
    Dark ages gargantuar vs Deep sea gargantuar =?
    Vase gargantuar vs Sloth gargantuar = ?
    Quiz- your favorite gargantuar

  7. Which pvz1 plant will be next plant to return to pvz2 international version, from where you stand?
    A.Scaredy Shroom
    B.Sea Shroom
    C.Gold Magnet
    D.Cob Cannon
    E.Umbrella Leaf

    Which pvz adventure plant will be next plant to return to pvz2 international version, from where you stand?
    D.Bamboo Shoot
    E.Sweet Pea

  8. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
    Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:7)
    When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Mark 2:17)

  9. Who would win mega Gatling pea of dart monkey😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 it is so obvious 😂😂😂😂

  10. Я хочу, чтобы где-нибудь огне на горах костре выиграла, а что-то везде что-то проигрывает практически. Меня это огорчает, я люблю огненного гороха стрелы.

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