Gardening Supplies

That was no serpent in the Garden of Eden with Dr Michael Heiser

This is a fan-edit. The original full length unedited video can be found here…

Could it be that it wasn’t an actual snake speaking to Eve, but rather a seraphim-angel of some type? It would explain why no one was concerned about a talking animal when none of the others appear to be talkative! It could also help to explain the punishment God gives the serpent: to crawl on its belly and eat dust. Snakes already do that, so why would that be something unusual and a punishment for it?


  1. What a blessing to all that follow Dr. Mike. We r so blessed to b the recipient of his vast knowledge.

  2. Wow really? Seriously it’s not a member of the animal kingdom. I guess that makes sense since no fucken animals can talk asshat!!! Your point is totally fucken obvious genius. Stfu and get lost.

  3. If it was a divine being turned into a serpent or snake then why would God curse the animal??? That seems unfair God is a just God fair n all his ways

  4. The same way satan tricked adam n eve maybe he deceived the serpent some how thats why the snakes or serpent Got there punishment living the rest of there days on there bellys taking away its legs

  5. Genesis 3:1

    1 The snake was the most intelligent of all the wild animals that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say that you shouldn't eat from any tree in the garden?"

    Clearly says animal

  6. They found temple zero in Israel which is Abraham's temple. This is before the Jewish people went to Egypt. Which means everything before Moses was know to the Israelite's. Personally do not think that Moses was the the "author" of Genesis. Holy spirit is the author of all the books of course. I mean he was not the man used to record that particular book. Joseph more than likely handed the compilation of his families recordings to Moses. Joseph would have all the knowledge considering Abraham's came from a country know were reading and writing was common. Remember Joseph's position was powerful and would have made it easy for him to preserve any records of his forefathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

  7. The Lord has revealed that the "serpent " is the modern day word for "seraphim "which is a very powerful being which once dwelled in the presence of our Lord..the fruit of this is that The Lord classified the "serpent "as second only to Man in wit and intellect, plus it must've been like or similar to God and Man because the "serpent "speaks with clarity, comprehension, and understanding of its own words..Christ is King of Kings and His Spirit is Truth..Amen

  8. That idea of shining or light in that term seems to lend credence to this being (or it being possessed by) Lucifer (light bearer, light bringer, morning star)!

  9. How are you doing Micheal? Well my friend, i ask our Father to reveal Himself to you in a deeply powerful and intimate way in this season of life. Always encouraged and built up by your content. Rich and warm blessings to you and your family.

  10. Not an animal at all!

    The deciever was an upright being, otherwise why would the Lord say "down upon thy belly shalt thou go"… Additionally, Paul writes that every creature is good which the Lord had made.

    Also there was no fruit, his words were the fruit just as Jesus says you will know a true deciple by their fruits and also that it isn't what goes into our mouths which corrupts us, it's what comes out which is judged. Fruit is what feeds the minds and hearts of those who hear it.

    Finally, Eve saw that the tree was pleasing to the eyes (good looking), was good for consumption (to take in) and good to make one wise (food fills the stomach, words fill the mind and heart which is where wisdom blossoms and grows). He was the tree just as the Hebrew tribes are a fig tree, Israel is an olive tree in which two branches, gentiles and Jews, are grafted in, Jesus says he is the trunk we are the branches of the vine, and the scriptures men arelike the cedars of Lebanon… so if we can understand these are symbols then we must confess that the tree in eden is also symbolic. The trees in the garden were all the angels placed to teach us and guide us.

    Satan was an upright, walking, talking being, looked like a brilliantly shining (serpent is "shining one") man who deceived using words to corrupt the mind and heart of Adam and eve.

    He is described as being a serpent, a dragon, a lion and a wolf just as Jesus is called the lamb of God and the Lion of Judea and yet we don't believe he was ever an animal.

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