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Watch the full, on-camera shouting match between Trump, Pelosi and Schumer | The Washington Post

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) clashed Dec. 11 with President Trump over border security, during a meeting in the Oval Office.

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  1. you gonna put this 2 old tuwat in the border of mexico and let them guard for 10 hours! they will then ask them selves! Wtf we doin here? lets build a wall..

  2. You want shouting? This is a subtle conversation to which the house and senate leaders are trying to control the narrative because the truth is beating them horribly on live television.

  3. Pelosi only cares about holding power, she and Shumer do not care about this country. They care only about their political security.

  4. 5 billion all he wanted, but now democrats spending so much more on everything. Pelosis and Shumer are the problem in this country, they held their political seat way too long.

  5. These 2 disrespectal cunts cant even look Trump in the eye when they speek. What a joke these pricks are!

  6. The body language in that thumbnail reminds me of the movie BIG. It's a child in a man's body. This interaction proves it.
    Conald stopped developing emotionally at age 12.

  7. OMG Pence he looks like the poor stepchild stuck in the middle LMBO. OMG Follow the process Drump@ss

  8. After reading the comments, i checked if i was on the right video and not a Pence solo video

  9. She was setting him up. Shummer is smirking the entire time. They made up their mind a long time ago that they would not cooperate with anything. They never gave him a chance.

  10. I have no respect for any Democrat there, let alone do I respect anyone in public who claims they are Democrat ….always got something to say….if I got 10 bucks a democrap has 100 and wants to take 6.00 dollar tax from me…..democrats are as worthless as the turd I made this morning….supporting rich and letting illegals in …that Fatslob repressing Illinois turned Illinois into a dump.

  11. Chuck in the video says we can have border security without the wall…yea sure how is that working for us now Chuck?

  12. Psalmid (Laulud) 19:8 Issanda Seadus on laitmatu,

    see kosutab hinge;

    Issanda tunnistus on ustav,

    see teeb kohtlase targaks.

    9 Issanda korraldused on õiglased,

    need rõõmustavad südant;

    Issanda käsk on selge,

    see valgustab silmi.

    10 Issanda kartus on puhas,

    see püsib igavesti;

    Issanda seadused on tõde,

    need on kõik õiged;

    11 need on ihaldatavamad kui kuld

    ja kui palju selget kulda,

    ja need on magusamad kui mesi

    ja kui kärjemesi.

    12 Ka sinu sulasele on need hoiatuseks,

    nende pidamine toob suure palga.

  13. Articulate and sharp what we need. Why does she keep saying we will speak later then address the press why behind closed doors??? Look at this it’s deep!

  14. Mr. President, Mr. Donald J Trump,

    You are making the History. You are making the America GREAT again.

    Don't let me down.

    Let me know if I am able to help.

    Eric Wong Po Shun

  15. Nancy the liar…. asking for legislation that will fail and then placing blame on the Executive Branch

  16. Thank God President Trump is gone. Anyone who's goal is to shut the goverment down just to pout has no business in politics.

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