Edible Gardening


Welcome to my allotment gardening channel. My name is Emma and these vlogs are my allotment diaries. 2022 is is my third year on my plot. I’m learning as I go and would love for you to follow my allotment gardening journey by SUBSCRIBING to my channel!

WINTER GARDEN GLOVES: COOLJOB: https://www.amazon.co.uk/COOLJOB-Thermal-Recycled-Polyester-Gardening/dp/B0B288WJWZ/ref=sr_1_10?crid=3GZMC9DAYO4S5&keywords=think%2Bgreen%2Bwinter%2Bgarden%2Bgloves&qid=1668440274&sprefix=think%2Bgreen%2Bwinter%2Bgarden%2Bgloves%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-10&th=1

Quote EMMASALLOTMENT for discount

GROW A PUMPKIN ARCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOaCkQYhI7M




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BLOG: http://www.thepinkshed.co.uk

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  1. Hi Emma,
    Great vlog,
    I've been advised to blanche my sprouts for afew minutes then freeze them till Christmas,
    I've blanched and frozen rather alot from my plot this year and they taste so fresh when I get them out my freezer and use them,
    Hooe that helps ,yiure sprouts are absolutely amazing well done x

  2. Your sprouts are looking great,I've had mine in pots since September and they are growing very slowley.🤔lol x

  3. Pick your bigger sprouts, leave the smaller ones. They will carry on growing, and if they're still on, they will last well into new year.

  4. Horse manure ideally needs to be 12 months old before useing it
    With the staw ect with the manure you'll get seeds they have ate and not digested they will germinate and grow in your beds just becareful emma us as you prep your beds cover with cardboard to stop weeds comeing
    through cats and foxs peeing a d scrapping on your beds.
    All the best Emma.

  5. Emma, I have the same archways as yours, had mine about 6 months before yours. Don't take them down, lots of life in them yet. Just put some canes over every ladder type, fix it on the bottom rung attach a cable tie to that one, the next arch, then across the space and attach onto next archway rung.
    Do this either side and repeat until the rungs has canes on them until it starts curving. I also put canes in the middle of each arch and in the middle of the space before the next arch. More growing space and makes strong archway.

  6. Brussels are a stalwart among winter vegetables and a traditional festive favourite. They have the best flavour when harvested after being frosted – superior to anything you can buy in the supermarket.

    Start picking the lowest sprouts first, when they are the size of a walnut, firm and still tightly closed. Snap them off with a sharp downward tug.

    At the end of the season, the sprout tops can be harvested too.

  7. Hi Emma, the yellow leaves are no longer feeding the plant and are better removed and off to the compost heap.

  8. When I was revising for my finals at Uni (may years ago) I had all my papers spread across my bedroom floor. It was covered. There was a sliding door and critters could get down into the bedroom from the loft above. At night when the light was off I could hear scuttling. Turning the little light on it was MASSIVE SPIDERS crawling across my papers. Nothing I could do except turn the light off and go back to sleep. Ohh and BTW I speak cat and Rocky said "Don't stand there I had a shit there yesterday"

  9. Pick up one of the bricks in your polly tunnel and hammer the poles into the ground with it.😉😎

  10. If you’re not going to remove those trees suggest to entirely rearrange the plot. Place the poly tunnel under the shade of the trees. Place all garden beds on the extreme opposite side to get all beds in more sunlight

  11. Think you need to invest in a hammer emma, wooden spikes on each strut well hammered in, and attach to that would help more👍

  12. That exact thing happened at ours this week. My husband was pushing in a bamboo stick to support the sprouts and it snapped. Yours look great, ours are tiny still and we wouldn’t have enough for one plate!

  13. Hello Emma, That is a great idea to always remove all the yellowing leaves from all the plants as they are dying and run their course. They now are a portal for disease into the plant and obstruct the airflow. If you chop and drop them the will act as mulch and weed suppression and soil water retention they however look the best if that is important.
    Your whole plot is looking better than ever. Good on ya love. Thank you for the video today.

  14. As others have said that poo is too fresh. Needs approx 12-24mths to rot down. If you can get another plastic compost bin or similar, make use of the poo you get delivered and fill that. It will heat up and rot. I made the mistake of putting fresh down and only 6-9mths later it was still lumpy and had loads of nettles growing.

  15. Maybe you should harvest the Brussels Sprouts that are ready and freeze the ones you don’t use in the freezer.

  16. Hiya Emma Thankyou for sharing. Perhaps ask for Xmas a wee rubber mallet to help with staking. Anywhoo nice radishes congrats. Blessings luv Ontario Canada 🐝🇨🇦

  17. I really don't know how to eat radish other than the greens if edible.can u show how other than salad… really don't work for me

  18. My allotment has been a total ..well not a total fail but a fail this year ..it's been the worse year ever but you've kept me smiling ..I'd say don't waste your compost on your manured bed ..fix a layer of cardboard on top of it and let the worms do the work .I have a 6×3mtr polytunnel and I'm on a very open site .the best advice I could give you is as well as your hubby anchoring the frame down you need to dig a potato like trench around your tunnel put the extra length of plastic at the bottom into the trench and place the earth back on top of it .the aim being to stop the wind getting in under the sides and taking the cover up like a kite .when I close mine up I put a plank of wood over the bottom of the door and weigh it down with a bag of compost …it would be awful if you lost it along with your crop inside ..

  19. I'm so impressed w your brussel sprouts!! My fall is too short so I never have any success (already snowed and frozen). I think you could pick the larger ones and freeze them to keep as a back up in case they don't make it till Xmas – or pick and eat the big ones then pick the rest later. Yum!!
    And I picked my onions when the leaves flop over right at the neck (right above the onion bulb). They're looking great too!

  20. H Emma, why don't you freeze your sprouts for christmas? They are great if you gett them in the freezer in their prime. I've tried blanching and not blanching and. as long as they are dry and in really good condition I found not blanching was fine. The radishes looked ok, even the nibbled ones can still be used. I sometimes clean mine up and use them in soup or a stir fry. You did great removing the yellowed leaves from the sprouts as they are what attract the slugs, and they are better used in yourr compost heap. I wonder if the onions are waking up a bit due to the mild autumn? You're doing well. Thanks for the videos. XX

  21. Emma the beds definitely look better. re the poly tunnel get bricks and sit them on the plastic all the way round. also get rebar to stake on the inside 😊well done

  22. I just do 1 bed at a time so as not to let it overwhelm me, i think the raddishes look yummy i have loads of trouble growing themxx

  23. Well done with your sprouts, look good, mine are rubbish this year! But my cabbages were good! Leave the onions, they’ll be ready next summer!

  24. Looks good now the yellow leaves are gone. They are no use to the plant anymore and they just attract slug and other bugs. Thumbs up from the crow 🤣

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