Edible Gardening

Caterpillar Tunnels Save Mountainside Farm in Temperate Rainforest

Farming on a slope in North Carolina’s Temperate Rainforest comes at a cost for Tyler and Casey. Learn how they built their beautiful 1/4 acre market farm despite incredibly rocky soil, and how they have overcome $20,000+ of crop loss due to torrential rainfall. Discover how the introduction of one simple tool helped to double the amount of food they were growing for their community. See how Tyler uses music to relax and get away from the busy farm life and how their growing family of animals motivates them to keep working harder each day.

The Good Life is an inspirational and educational series of mini-docs and farm tours to encourage viewers to support their local farms and inspire farmers to change the world through regenerative agriculture. Please consider subscribing!

To learn more about Mountainwise Farm, visit their website or follow them on Instagram. https://mountainwisenc.com/ https://www.instagram.com/mountainwisenc/

To learn more about Farmers Friend’s Caterpillar Tunnels, Quick Cut Greens Harvester, as well as our other innovative tools and supplies for small farms, visit https://farmersfriend.com/.



  1. I know what you mean about that rainfall. In northern Delaware we have gotten 45-70” annually over this past few years. Growing under cover is a game changer, even for us kitchen gardeners.

  2. Just to add, there are many nearby Amish growers that use tunnels extensively. There is also a large local manufacturing industry for protected growing, making hoop houses and high tunnels mostly.

  3. The good life. Love these videos makes me what to quit my job and work On a farm the peace , and Tranquility is heaven sent

  4. Hi Jonathan, another inspirational story and video! I am a cancer survivor who started growing organic vegetables for a healthy lifestyle over 10 years ago. I have been utilizing the market garden techniques for a home market garden. I have a small YouTube channel with my son. LeaveMeAlone ImBusyFarming and would like to collaborate with you and your company for the home Gardner community. I have never wanted to monetize my channel, it’s about inspiring others to grow their own organic vegetables. Hugh Ziccardy

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