Japanese Garden

(JGTV) After two years, the Japanese garden has changed like this. 2年前に作った日本庭園はどうなった?

I have filmed the current state of some of the gardens we have built.
Please enjoy seeing how they’ve changed in the two years since then!


Niwashi :Sano Tomoatsu
庭師:庭友 佐野友厚 様

Niwashi:Iba Tomohito
庭師:庭知 伊庭 知仁 様

□ Camera provided by BrackMagicDesign
・Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
・ Video editing software: DaVinci Resolve

We created an account for Patreon. Please support us if you can.🙏


  1. I know many designers don't like to visit their gardens later. Doesn't always turn out as you expected. But your gardens have natured beautifully

  2. Félicitations
    J’adore vos vidéos. Votre travail est excellent. Vos jardins sont magnifiques. Il y a beaucoup de poésie dans vos réalisations. Tout cela m’inspire beaucoup et me donne envie de venir visiter le Japon. Merci de continuer à nous faire rêver. Marco de Senlis en France

  3. Thank You for all your work you put into these videos. He gardens and the Niwashi men are extraordinary

  4. Beautiful work – the gardens and the videos! Thanks so much for sharing the updates! I'm also grateful the clients allowed you to film their lovely projects. ☺️🤗🤩

  5. i remember each and every of those projects! thank you for making these videos! and good luck! 100k is very close;)

  6. Thank you for showing us these gardens as the plants have matured. What a treat! I loved all of these projects but I especially love the small gardens. It's impressive what beauty can be captured in a tiny space. Thank you most of all for sharing your talent and eye for beauty.

  7. excellent work and attention to details! the round stones at around 4:51 – one is covering apparently a "service-hole" but the other is just decoration? or some other purpose?

  8. Your work has always been so beautiful and detailed. What has Really impressed me the most is your attention to detail, like the exact measurement, perfect cement work and how you clean up pristinely afterwards. You can NEVER find craftsmanship and attention to detail like this here in California. Seeing the time laps just proves your talents. Thank You for being You

  9. It is a very good idea to show how the projects look after some time when the plants have already grown a bit.

    It would also be interesting to have more (short) hints, like the one with the special concrete mix for the pavement in Projet 27.

    In any case, your videos are a nice and reassuring change from all the negative news like war, global warming and other catastrophes. That's why I like to watch these videos late at night before I go to bed. Thank you for that.

  10. I very like this Chanel,
    Please give me the name of the shoes , which they are wear when they do

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