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Dog Jack (2010) | Full Movie | Louis Gossett Jr. | Benjamin Gardner | Frank Kasy

This is the story of a slave boy and his dog who escape the master’s plantation, join the Union Army, and have to face their former master on the battlefield. The story is inspired by the historical true-life adventures of the beloved mascot of the Pennsylvania 102nd, who was so prized by his regiment for his skills in battle, that he was twice exchanged for a Confederate prisoner of war.

Director: Edward T. McDougal
Writers: Florence Biros (novel), Edward T. McDougal (screenplay)
Stars: Louis Gossett Jr., Benjamin Gardner, Frank Kasy


  1. What a true story of this young man experience and it was rather difficult but I love how he was brave and forth to the end.
    I was so thankful to the reverent who helped him, and all the soldiers who worked with him,
    I was so happy when he found true forgiveness to forgive those evil slaves master and to go with his life helping others to be free,
    Only when Jesus comes back and we get to heaven there will be no more hate.
    We are all Gods children and he wants us to love one another.
    I truly enjoyed watching this movie.

  2. Wonderful movie against slavery, with the poor dog tied to a leash throughout most of the film… and when they got him a present, it was a "beautiful collar" ! 🤣

  3. it makes me wondder if those young men wouldd have been singing battle cry of freedom if they had knowen what they would be facing or did they just sing it to lift their morale or spirits

  4. The final message about not being able to see another persons colour should be the mantra of everyone. Sadly slavery is still going on around the world today. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

  5. It’s not the color of a persons skin that determines if he’s bad or good, it’s his values. There are good & bad in every race, creed, & color. It’s a crying shame that all humanity does not love the Lord & follow His commandments.

  6. The storyline was OK and Louis Gossett Jr.’s narration was the best part. The acting was stilted in unconvincing. It sounded like they were just reading their lines. The dog was the best actor of the bunch.

  7. War propaganda and fake history. smh See the country divided was by design as it is now same thing. and glorifying war is another trap of these, the Controllers. Eph 6:12 , Col 3:6 note "inspired by a true story" does not = really happened that way.. be advised — look up Propaganda , bias

  8. There was a time a while back after my wife left me that left a hole. But filled it with a new opportunity and later a yorkie who stayed with me for 8 years. The hole still isn't fully covered, but I guess it won't, but a new aussie helps.

  9. Forgive and thanks for forgiving the consequences of mentioning my wrong wordsda jdg thanks

  10. Liked the movie, but a bit inaccurate. A firefighter brigade in Pennsylvania adopted the dog. And joined up. And the dog went missing in 1864 down south. Maybe killed for the silver collar. According to google.

  11. I'm from the land of Lincoln….much history with the underground railroad. Beautiful Movie….veey inspirational💜

  12. Dog Jack.2010.(Louis Gossett.E Gardiner.F Casey.K Craig.Ed Hurchro)[{Ed McDougall].scp.Flo Biros.nov.Mike Wright ph.Timo Elliston.msc}_

  13. As a black person it really takes God's mercy to let go of how cruelly our ancestors, parents and us have been treated by the evil oppressors. There's only one race : human and God forgiveness can take away all the pain. God bless Bishop Desmond Tutu upon the TRP in the apartheid course in south Africa.

  14. A good story, but a seriously terrible movie, badly made and worse acted. Despite claiming to be "inspired" by "true" events, the only "true" parts of it are that the 102nd regiment had a dog named Jack as their mascot, and there was a Confederate General named Cooper (who had one daughter, no sons, and didn't die in the war!). The only good actor was the dog.

  15. Omg! It's hard enough to survive still in many places, and there's always someone trying to benefit at others expense, but these wicked people chasing escaped slaves are the pits! We don't realise how fortunate we are, if we manage to have some freedom! Everyone has struggles, but some a lot more than others. The most basic of needs being shelter and food and warmth. Anyone who needs more than this cannot really be called in need. It's heartbreaking to see what happened to those caught up in slavery, and what they had to endure. Modern day slavery still exists, and soldiers are not much more than slaves when surrendering their freedom for phoney causes, and paying with their lives. We can never call ourselves civilized whilst using violence as a means to feed our families. There are plenty jobs that seem close to slavery, economic pressures force them, but that is nothing like what those people went through,! Being chased by bounty hunters, with no place to go, nowhere to live.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this heart touching historical movie.
    💔 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ❤️

  17. This is an excellent movie, one I will watch several times, and invite friends to see. The message of this movie is so vital on so many levels!
    Excellent acting, excellent and deeply touching.

  18. Sophie, your story is very sad, as well. Thank God that you and your family found freedom and an honorable life in America.

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