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Weekly Antiques Auction News For Asian Art November 11, 2022

Weekly Antiques Auction News For Asian Art November 11, 2022


If you are a fan of antiques, art, their history, and the global antique auction market please subscribe to our site.

An antique and art news channel for antique collectors and dealers. We also look at the history of objects, how to identify and date objects and how they were made.

WHO: This channel is owned by Peter Combs of Gloucester Massachusetts, with over 40 years as a collector, dealer, appraiser, and antique auctioneer Peter has bought, sold and auctioned objects across a broad spectrum including of course Chinese and Asian Art, as well as fine American and European antiques, paintings, decorative accessories, folk art.

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About this channel.
Regular weekly and bi-weekly videos from Peter Combs and Bidamount about Asian art and the antique auction market. With an emphasis on fine art, auction news, and art news from numerous auction houses and online auction venues.
These videos focus extensively on the Chinese art market and the Japanese art market. Other videos cover the topics of understanding and identifying authentic Chinese porcelain, and Chinese bronze as well as information about the history of Chinese and Asian art. Visit Bidamount.com to learn more, join the ASIAN ART Forum and take advantage of the reference library filled with hundreds of auction catalogs and reference books on Fine Art, current art value by category, and links to museum collections.
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  1. OMG, Peter, I was the lucky winner of the Canton plate which starred as your first reveal du jour😁💕! I won by following your recommendations, and got it for the delectable price of $450 (+!). Thank you so much!

  2. My name is Ngo Cuong I live in Vietnam I have some Antiques left by my father. Now I want to sell them to Sotheby's I trust you guys I look forward to working with you, Sotheby's is a big international auction house. Now I want to send you some items with pictures and prices, looking forward to the cooperation of Sotheby's Saigon.

  3. Dear Peter, great weekly video again with lots of great advice. I really appreciate your continued coaching and I would like to thank you over and over again for that. In many of your video's you provide "clues" on how to "clean" certain antique items, surfaces or materials. Very often you also give very valuable instructions on what NOT to do in order to protect the artwork or the patina. Maybe it might be a good idea to make a dedicated video that would contain more detailed instructions on how to tackle certain cleaning procedures. I believe many of your followers, and actually the entire "ecosystem of art lovers", would greatly benefit from this. It would also allow many of us to take better care of the items we appreciate so much and certainly it will prevent us to damage some of them.

  4. Lol! A bunch of marshmallows! You’re the best Peter! It’s unfortunate but yes there’s tons of snobbery at well know establishments or even jewelry stores and I’ve got some good stories about that but you’re right they def want your business. PLS PLS PLS pretty please with sugar on top do that video. I just registered at Christie’s because of the Ann and Gordon Getty auction – thanks to you- that they just had but I do – just a tad – feel intimidated WHY I HAVE NO IDEA. thanks again Peter you’re the best.

  5. Love the video idea about bidding strategy!! Thank you so much for your videos. Always great!

  6. Always a great experience watching you and better yet, always learning something new! Thanks!!

  7. Very interesting , as always, thank you .
    Not a direct comment on this video, but I came across an excellent lecture here on youtube about chinese reverse glass painting, the video is made by the Corning Glass Museum in NY, recently uploaded and with few views, but very informative about how these paintings were made etc.

  8. Good day Mr. Combs.. I very much love your video content.. I have been thinking of asking you about an item that I would appreciate if you can tell me if the piece is 1- authentic 2- the value ( round about)… I know that have been asked by many before me but I have no one else who has such knowledge of Asian art and history… I am attaching some pictures of the piece in question if can figure it out… Hitchel

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