Backyard Garden

Heavenly Backyard Garden … Planting Corn and Tomatoes

It’s Springtime in Savannah and today in this video I will show you how I plant and grow corn along with the help of my neighbor. Tomato plants are ready to go into the grown too. Plus, an update on the potatoes and Brussel Sprouts planted last February. You will see in this video that gardening is good exercise.


  1. We have the same hobbies practically. I work in the garden or lawn all day. Have you tried to train young tomato plants sideways? They eventually have a 90° growth but it allows substantial surface area to grow more resilient tomatoes.

  2. inch distancing, and now it’s been 15 days since we have transplanted the tomato to field beds, can I now plant 3 garlics in between each tomato plant and along with it can I prepare Basil flat bed to plant it later with garlic in octagonal design spacing of 12 inches and along with garlic planting can 2 plants of marigold be planted on the side borders in between tomato gaps ?

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