Edible Gardening

小空间灵活搭架子,种上你一直想种的爬藤作物。Build scaffolding with garden stakes in small spaces to grow climbing veggies!


Have you wanted to grow pole beans, cucumbers, snow peas etc. but you just don’t have the trellis or support for them? It’s actually pretty easy to build scaffoldings from short garden stakes that can be customized to fit small spaces. You can build it as tall/big as you like. My preference is fiberglass garden stakes: they are strong and durable. You can purchase short fiberglass garden stakes that can be put together easily. There’s no need for special tools, no need for a truck, and certainly no need for a muscle man, either 😉 It’s that easy!

Hi! We are Auntie Bo in sunny Los Angeles and niece EV in rainy Seattle. We share a love for growing vegetables, and we’d love to communicate with other veggie enthusiasts! Please like and subscribe.


Auntie Bo grew lots of kales on a balcony garden in Los Angeles; EV is starting up hers in Seattle. 宝姨的阳台菜园位于温暖、明媚的洛杉矶,从去年秋天开始源源不断地提供羽衣甘蓝。在冷飕飕、阴郁的西雅图,伊薇的阳台菜园还在启动中,非常期待。

两种办法在小空间里种出够吃一顿的豆苗✌️Try these two methods to grow your own pea shoots in small spaces.

超级薄皮的水果小番茄品种:“小软糖”。 A sweet cherry tomato with super thin skin in my balcony garden: Puchi Puyo.

这种甜尖椒据说是甜度最高的甜椒,个大、好吃、易种、高产,种子免费。How I grow the sweetest pointed pepper in my balcony garden.

公认味道最好的西葫芦(意大利瓜)品种竟然有丝瓜的清甜味!Many people rank Costata Romanesco as the best tasting zucchini squash.

这个西葫芦品种从16世纪种到21世纪,好在哪里?明年种改良版。This squash has been grown for centuries. It has problems. Upgrade?

Garden blooming in July: harvesting edible herbs and flowers 七月:满园香草鲜花

Hot ! Day in the life of chickens on a hot summer day. 炎炎夏日,悠悠鸡子。

Last days of summer in the backyard: Picking ripe peaches, bringing home new chicks! 夏末桃李香甜,小鸡归家怡然。

Warm composting of kitchen waste in grow bags. Very convenient with continuous collection. 用种植袋来做厨余堆肥,很方便,而且可以连续添加厨余。

Plant caddy for balcony garden: Buy the right kind, or make your own. 滚轮花盆底座:阳台花园必备。怎么买?怎么自己动手做?


1 Comment

  1. Hi! We are Auntie Bo in sunny Los Angeles and niece EV in rainy Seattle. We share a love for growing vegetables, and we'd love to communicate with other veggie enthusiasts! Please like and subscribe.


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