@Huw Richards

Huw Richards: The LAZY Way to Preserve Food Over Winter

I recently was asked by a viewer on how I preserve all my food for winter, and so I thought I would make a video to outline my core strategy for preserving food for the cold and dark months that perhaps differs to most but works excellently if you have little time for your garden, especially trying to preserve everything in late summer to autumn. I hope that this gives you some food for thought regarding how you approach feeding yourself over the winter months. Of course I do do some traditional preserving methods, but this video shows my core way that eliminates a lot of hassle!

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  1. Please tell me how to get seeds for the Asturian Tree Cabbage. I can't find it anywhere over here. Please help. Buffalo, New York, USA.

  2. Huw, I am interested in growing into the winter but my raised bed is bare. If I construct a frame and begin planting early December, will I see much success at all? I'm in zone 6a

  3. I am lucky enough that I don't have a winter here in Thailand and can grow a variety of stuff all year round. My problem is the opposite to that of the UK. I have to endure the summer heat, which can reach 45 degrees C, where a lot of veg. just can't handle it. Great video Huw.

  4. I sounds interesting but I’ve never tried it but we are experimenting with a few plants this winter. I think a. Old frame would be beneficial to the winter garden.

  5. Interesting thought. I enjoy growing year round, but not because of lack of time. I feel that if I'm too busy to preserve the bounty of my garden, I'm TOO BUSY, and I need to discard something from my life and achieve a better balance. Love your videos, I've learned so much!

  6. thanks,last week i promised to give more concentration to the winter crops on our allotment

  7. Its a shame not to put the names /varieties of the veg you mention on screen as you go ie the tree cabbage as an example ! Or in a list below ?

  8. envy your mild winters that allows this. I am hoping to have a poly tunnel next year to see if we can keep the ground from freezing quite so hard, and keep the deep snow off.

  9. It is very good advice for people in the U.K..In this way you eat always fresh and only what you need. In colder parts of Europe traditionally we start preparing for winter end of summer. If you organise yourself well in the kitchen it will not be as painful as it seems and can be quite fun for all family. You can dry your harvest, smoke it, pickle, make it in a sour way, you bury them and protect from cold and humidity. There are thousand ways to do this. In winter there is no way you can grow anything as it is just too cold and soil is frozen.

  10. I completely agree with this approach. For me the value is in eating food seasonally, eating fresh food and ensuring I don’t worry about creating space for food preservation that I don’t have. Looking to adopt this approach for next season. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Farm to table is very in, and fresh is best right?
    You are eating in season. That's good. We all should. But last summer we had draught ….. which made previous harvest very important. So take time to preserve. It is so important to be frugal with the world the way it is. Many people will be making choices between heating their homes and eating this year. Dehydrating, and canning, are viable options.
    If you have an abundance, share with your neighbors or barter for things you don't have. This is what our ancestors did.

  12. Ahhh temperate climate, that must feel heavenly …I'm in north east canada and from Sept on all I keep hearing are voices whispering winter is coming 😅
    Although I do have quite a long and abundant period of kale shoots/flowers spring and early summer (most people in my climate have no idea we can even do this)

  13. Huw, I was excited seeing clips of your winter garden! Would you please show us more? I also love clips of the rain and seeing your charming house in the background!

  14. Help! Is there any retailer selling the potato pots that ships to the US? Does anyone know of a US retailer? I've scoured the internet with no luck so far.

  15. Absolutely this is the way I grow and how I harvest and use my veggies . Question – What size plastic tubs do you grow your potatoes in please ? I might try that idea !

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