Edible Gardening

This VIVID side affect after consuming our 5 year old Moringa Oleifera tree – AZ Desert

We pruned our tree Heavy in late winter this year for the 1st time. Here is how it’s doing in the middle of our Arizona Desert Fall! Here’s our 2022 Fall update on this beautiful and nutritious 5 year old tree.

Moringa also has some other common names including:
The Tree of life
The Miracle Tree
The drumstick tree
Horseradish tree
and Ben oil tree or benzolive tree

Species: M. oleifera



Visit our other videos on our Moringa tree!

Growing Moringa in the Arizona desert

Moringa Mulch:

Pruning Moringa:

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  1. 'Great video! Thank you. I also live in Phoenix and grow a ton of Moringa. Lately, I've been on an EAT MORINGA DAILY DIET. I notice that my energy level is much higher. I don't get tired during the day and can stay up later without any difficulty. I believe that Moringa benefits the mitochondria in our cells – the little natural batteries that give us energy. I'll look for the results you've shared. Why everyone doesn't have Moringa growing in their yard is beyond me. It's like a perennial spinach tree with even more benefits. Plus, it smells so nice – the flowers that is. I grow the PKM-1 variety and the pods grow like crazy. Thanks again for your video. 'Much appreciated.

  2. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be growing one next year from seed but in a BIG pot so I can control it. At this point, there’s no reason to not do it. Thanks for sharing and stay blessed fam!

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