Japanese Garden

Q&A – My Japanese maple has developed a thin canopy. Is there any hope for the tree?

From a picture you can’t tell exactly what is wrong with the tree. Retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Lelia Kelly says if Japanese Maples are in full sun they may do well for a while, but eventually it will start to die back. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says it could also be overwatered. Try to improve the conditions next year and see if the tree improves. If not, it may be time to remove it and plant something else.

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  1. I would start by getting rid of those dead branches, they should easily snap off by how white they look. After a few seasons those areas will fill in. Also I don’t think there’s scientific proof of this but I feel like JP lace lead maples or maples in general kill off those branches that are “in the way”.

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