Gardening Supplies

God Provides | Chase Gardner

We spend so much time trying to avoid suffering that we sometimes miss the fact that going through hard things is actually what makes us stronger and wiser and better—it’s what helps us thrive. In week three of the series, Chase Gardner uses the story of Moses to show us that the things we often want God to protect us from are the very things He uses to shape and mold us. It’s in these wilderness times when we learn to rely not on our own wisdom, power, or strength, but instead to rely on God.

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Message Highlights
0:00 Beginning of Message
7:22 How Should We Respond to Painful Moments?
17:49 God Uses Hard Situations for the Means of Transformations
18:33 How Do You Know You Can Trust God’s Power?
20:46 Can God Supply My Needs?
29:01 Trust That God Can Bring Good out of Hard Situations
33:05 Praise God For Our Weaknesses

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