Backyard Garden

Is Hard Work ADDICTION a BAD THING? O.C.D. Lawn Care Professionals

Lawn Care professionals are definitely in the WARRIOR CLASS of HARD CORE WORKERS in this world. Like MANY MANY other Professionals that BUST ASS ALL DAY or ALL NIGHT…. we FEEL the PAIN, but NEVER STOP. I must be addicted to hard work, says …. EVERYONE THAT KNOWS ME. Join the community now and feel at peace that you are NOT THE ONLY ONE!!


  1. Awesome job Randall and the boys!!! Nothing like a freshly overseeded lawn. Looks great and keep up he great work!

  2. i think that if u had mulched in some of the leaves it would really help feed that ground.

  3. Those Stihl 600's put in work on those leaves! My opinion the 600 is the most versatile blower made but have you ever used or considered an 800x? Anyway great work and great video! Have a good one!

  4. Never had a 600, i have br700 thinking about getting the 800, it looks like the 600 is doing a great job! Your properties always look great, great job you and your boys! I have a huge addiction, Hard work yes, but I have a addiction to Money and hard work! Great video 👊🏼🇺🇸

  5. Love your videos but you need to get rid of that Stihl Equipment And go with echo easy to fix hardly any downtime best of all you can fix it yourself

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