Japanese Garden

Rainy Japanese Houses and Garden | Relaxation and Sleep | Rain Sounds

It’s a rainy Japanese garden atmosphere. I made it because there were people who wanted the atmosphere of the garden in Japan. This time, we brightened up the mood a little. We haven’t collected enough data, so please understand if there are any other parts. 🙂
I hope you have a comfortable time.
The videos on my channel are made so that you can feel comfortable, happy and remind you of good memories. When I first make a video, I first think about the design, the atmosphere, and the place in the video, then I make the shapes one by one.
Sometimes the fireplace is made first, then rain on the windows, then the scenery outside the window is created, each creation is built step by step.
Sometimes it takes three days or sometimes even a week.
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I will try my best to make better videos so that everyone can feel comfortable, happy and are reminded of their good memories.
I hope everyone who reads this will always be happy.
Sincerely, The Relaxing Town

Sponsorship: https://www.patreon.com/TheRelaxingTown
©️ All Images, sounds, and videos in The Relaxing Town are produced by The Relaxing Town, or are licensed by some original authors permission.All videos/audios in The Relaxing Town are not permitted to be reused.
Program Used
after effect

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Please my Channel Click : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXrpeTQr5eRrq-GwcxNMKDw/?sub_confirmation=1

10 HOURS RAIN SOUND : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNYEoG1f6Oo&list=PLAosqDbFcxN08ggPGMVCu9oF4iFPMHkgx

5 HOURS RAIN SOUND : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMysYcU2TGc&list=PLAosqDbFcxN27ARgKNW7VPpsA6DzjJ63T

1 HOURS RAIN SOUND : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VN2YuCR4kU&list=PLAosqDbFcxN2U-ymdKRZZjJSSDmobCr-C

BLACK SCREEN RAIN : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bynGHQH7OS8&list=PLAosqDbFcxN3YTpk01Hej8RgCTqQ_B8ex

FIREPLACE SOUND : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i38TNpJ6pDs&list=PLAosqDbFcxN3sIQgQ3XNjKawiDTOvKIS0



  1. This looks like a real ryokan (traditional inn). Very lovely and I can't stop staring at the Japanese pine trees. Looks real! Nice work!

  2. 🎐🎑🎐🎗🎵🎶♦🧲🧲🕯🪔🕯🏮🕯🪔🕯🏮💡🔦🕯🪔 Ce jardin japonais me séduit totalement ! Quel ravissement grisant ! Ses petites lumières aux fenêtres sont des appels à quelque invitation ! Par avance : merci !
    Comme c'est sobre, net, propre et pourtant luxuriant ! Ce jardin japonais dégage de bonnes et belles ondes de détente complète ! La résonnance des perles de pluie l'amplifie ! Merveilleux, magnifique, magnétique, mirifique ! J'aime beaucoup cet état d'esprit, cette perception… si délicate !
    Compliments :🎍🎗🎋🎗🎍🎗🎎🎗✨🎗🎐🎐🎐🎗🎨🎗🎭🎗💋💎🥏🪁🎯♥♣♠♟🎵🎶♥♣♠♟🔔🧲🧲🕯🪔🕯🪔🏮🪔🏮🕯💡🔦🌌⛩🌉🗼🌆🌁♨🛁🌝🚿♨🧹🌫🌬🌀🌬🌈🌂🔥🌧🌨💧💧💧🌬🌬🧡🤎💙☮🕉🛐☯🈹🈶🈚🈸🈺🈷✴🆚🉑💮🉐㊙㊗🈴🈵🈲🟠🟤🟣🟡🟧👁‍🗨🔹🔷 Ce jardin japonais me propose une pénombre qui ne se refuse pas ! Aussi je demeure un long moment sous la pluie… ☔💧💧💧🍀🌲🌿🌾🌵🌴🌳🍃🌺🌻🌼🥀☘🌸💐🏵🌹🥜🌰🥕🍄🌶🧅🥑🥒🥬🥦🥔🧄 Cette bonne pluie nettoie en profondeur la faune : c'est comme quelque vernis pour les ongles lorsqu'on regarde les feuilles vertes sous la pluie, et les autres aussi ! Idem pour les pétales de fleurs : cela les rend encore plus charnels ! Luxuriante, généreuse, la nature nous offre beaucoup de très beaux cadeaux ! Fantastique ta création teintée de réalisme pur ! Bravo et Merci : )))💚💦💧💅🙌🙏

  3. 🎐🎑🎐🎗🎵🎶 ♦ 🧲🧲🕯🪔🕯🏮🕯🪔🕯🏮💡🔦🕯🪔 This Japanese garden totally seduces me! What exhilarating delight! Its little lights at the windows are calls for some invitation! Thank you in advance !
    How sober, neat, clean and yet lush! This Japanese garden gives off good and beautiful waves of complete relaxation! The resonance of rain beads amplifies it! Wonderful, magnificent, magnetic, wonderful! I really like this state of mind, this perception … so delicate!
    Compliments: 🎍🎗🎋🎗🎍🎗🎎🎗✨🎗🎐🎐🎐🎗🎨🎗🎭🎗💋💎🥏🪁🎯 ♥ ♣ ♠ ♟🎵🎶 ♥ ♣ ♠ ♟🔔🧲🧲🕯🪔🕯🪔🏮🪔🏮🕯💡🔦🌌⛩ 🌉🗼🌆🌁♨🛁🌝🚿♨🧹🌫🌬🌀🌬🌈🌂🔥🌧🌨💧💧💧🌬🌬🧡🤎💙☮🕉🛐☯🈹🈶🈚🈸🈺🈷✴🆚🉑💮🉐㊙㊗🈴🈵🈲🟠🟤🟣 🟡🟧👁‍🗨🔹🔷 This Japanese garden offers me a twilight that cannot be refused! Also I stay a long time in the rain … ☔💧💧💧🍀🌲🌿🌾🌵🌴🌳🍃🌺🌻🌼🥀☘🌸💐🏵🌹🥜🌰🥕🍄🌶🧅🥑🥒🥬🥦🥔🧄 This good rain cleans in wildlife depth: it's like some nail polish when you look at the green leaves in the rain, and the others too! Ditto for flower petals: it makes them even more carnal! Luxuriant, generous, nature offers us many very beautiful gifts! Fantastic your creation tinged with pure realism! Well done and thank you :))) 💚💦💧💅🙌🙏

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