

It’s early August and things are really heating up… here are my hot summer garden tips.

Watch today’s video for my tips on gardening when the summer gets hot, including tips on keeping the weeds down, watering strategies, and continual growth throughout the summer!

For more tips on how to keep weeds out of the garden, check out our blog post:
And for gardening mistakes to avoid, check out this blog post:

WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our nine children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

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Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

– Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
– Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
– Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

– Homesteading Family’s Favorite Holiday Recipes – A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
– 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
– Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
– Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
– Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
– Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
– Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
– 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
– Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
– Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
– Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
– Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
– Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#gardentips #wateringtips #gardenstrategies


  1. What a BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. Looks like everything is growing like it was done all by nature.

  2. Thanks for all the tips, I am starting to plan my Spring/Summer garden as I am in Southern Hemisphere, but storing away all the tips 😀

  3. Great tips! I got overrun with weeds in some beds…just had so much to do that I ended up not staying on top of it. I tend to water mostly when I have seeds planted and then as they are young. Then I water really deeply (or after a real soaking rain) and follow with a mulch very heavily. I find I don't have to water hardly at all after that.

  4. Fewer weeds also has a lot to do with where you live……we very seldom have to water (not a single time this year), but we grow jungles here in N. Alabama…..Larry @ Scoot's Organic.

  5. I CANNOT STAND people wearing flip flops!!! Dirty feet are nasty! Wear some BOOTS man! I’m figuring Ur up north, we have snakes here in Texas.

  6. MULCH! I couldn't garden with out it. It is the most valuable tool I have. Thanks for the great video's keep'm coming.

  7. Any advice on how to prevent or get rid of corn fleas?? I seem to get them every time I try to raise corn .. I try to avoid pesticides but my corn failed from heat and corn fleas this year …

  8. Thank you for showing No Till. Where I am, farmers use Roundup around their corn, just so they don’t have to weed. Then they sell the corn to people. Of course, I don’t buy it from them. But if I see a small time farmer with a few weeds around his/her corn, I’m the first in line, because they aren’t using roundup on their soil.

  9. Great info! Can you please do a video on how you control pests? I am trying to control pests naturally without harsh pesticides, but it's a losing battle! Thank you!

  10. Do you have a video on your watering system? I'd love to see more about the overhead water system, plus do you water from your well, do you collect rainwater, greywater etc? Thanks for the tips, garden is looking great!

  11. That is where most of you businesses have their timer set if you notice. It is in the middle of the day when they turn on the automatic sprinklers. That usually tend to water the sidewalks and the street. You would think that they would get that right and not water the sidewalk in the street, I don't understand why every business has them set up water the sidewalk in the street they're not going to grow. It is the grass and the trees that need the water

  12. We would like to try a no till garden next year with wood mulch. How do you prevent the soil from retaining too much water? We often get heavy down pours of up to 5" at a time, and I've had tomatoes and potatoes mold or get slugs from using straw.

  13. 1inch water? Does this mean that I should apply enough water so that the soil is moist to the depth of one inch?

  14. Would pine or cedar shavings, that you get for chicken bedding, work also. I don't have access to wood shavings. I do have raised beds though. Bad back from lifting lots of patients over the years.

  15. Josh, excellent and specific video. I'm in an extremely humid climate that gets a lot of rain. If we haven't had rain for a few days, I turn on timers to run 4:00-5:00 A.M. (just before the sun comes up). My no-till orchard-in-the-making unfortunately didn't get a chance to take off because we went from cool Spring right into hot, hot, hot with heavy flooding rains. Everything either burned to a crisp (trees, especially) or rotted. I've also got a ground hog issue and I think he (they?) got to the roots of my young trees. I keep telling myself, "there's always next year," but I don't know how much I can afford to lose this way.

  16. Thank you for this video! I do have a question: my sister (albeit we live in Texas) grew corn one year and did overhead watering, but when she went to harvest the corn, there was mildew all over them on the inside. Does your corn do this? If not, how do you prevent mildew in your corn? Does anybody else have any experience and tips with growing and watering corn? Thank you! 🙂

  17. The first weed you outlet from your garden. They are all over mine. Good thing they are easy to pull out

  18. I am located in north Idaho as well and it is so good that I found your channel I am learning a lot from you especially because you are close to where I live ! I am 52 miles away from CDA curious as to how far north you are

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