Gardening Supplies


First, a siren rang out. Next, American soldiers stationed in Japan were told to take cover after a north korean missile capable in strength of hitting the eastern seaboard of the united states of america was launched, putting into it’s crosshairs california, washington and a handful of other regions across the eastern USA. Now reports show that Japan and the US have held immediate Military Drills After a North Korean Missile Launch. info on honey and it’s use in wound care.

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Today’s Full Spectrum Survival episode is brought to you in part by members like you and, the only company that I know of that keeps the nutrients locked in to long term food storage. Make sure you use the code “FSS15” to get 15% off of your order.

Here is the pectin we use:

Who will you turn to if you can’t get in touch with a doctor in a long term emergency?
This week’s Full Spectrum Survival news broadcasts are brought to you in part by:
Use the code FSS10 to get money off of each and every order.
Founded by an emergency room physician, each pack contains: Doxycycline, Nitrofurantoin (commonly prescribed for urinary tract infections), Amoxicillin Clavulanate, Cephalexin, and Azithromycin

Information: Brad/Full Spectrum Survival is not a doctor, medical professional, investor, or lawyer. Each of the statements made by Brad, Kelley, their guests and/or this channel are opinions of events only and not instructions or advice. NO information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition or give legal or investment advice. Brad, Kelley, and Full Spectrum Survival thanks each one of our Patreon members for making our outreach possible. We often work with outreaches and organizations to share information, both positive and negative, about items that fit within the genre of our community. Videos and information, text and website driven, may include the sponsorship of our Patreon members who request reviews of specific items and the discussion of topics or outreaches and organizations. At no time do we ever sway our judgement for an item or topic based on these requests. Integrity and our community are the first and utmost priority for our entire team and family. We thank you for being here with us and being a part of this amazing community.


  1. Im not as worried about w w 3 as i am keeping my 11yo daughter alive , because of her abusive drug addict "mother" an
    this corrupt dishonorable judge steven clouse, his college buddy Matthew Williams, witch is my Xs "att" , my daughter is still recovering from a unsuccessful reconstruction surgery, that this worthless Noble co court does nothing about ,
    she ran from police under the influence left our daughter at a gas station an then bragged in txt about it , an not 1 word was said , let alone done , ya thats why ive always had custody, but how she has any parental rights idk , contempt has nvr even been said to her , because she brags about hiw she can do wtvr she wants to this child an this judge wont say a word to here, because she can afford to have him in ber pocket, yet is only supposed to pay $160 a month an yet only pays 1 time a year out of the thousands she gets in tax credits, because im disabled an dont file , i spend way more in just gas than she is even supposed to pay to take this child from Indiana to Michigan an back for "moms" visitation, because this judge changed it so she dont have to come to Indiana an worry about dui ! F these child abusing scum predators an this dishonorable corrupt judge an his college buddy MatthewWilliams "moms" att. !
    There is a special place in h*ll for them

  2. Yeah, and there is no telling what Bill Gates is doing to the seeds he plants for the vegetable’s he will be planting for consumption, Killer veggies, coming to a store near you soon 😱

  3. Guess what, weaponized irs agents can red flag people under any investigation to take their weapons out of the home, government fears armed civilians and are working overtime to repeal the 2nd amendment, they would rather divide people to fight each other rather than have a full on rebellion.🌠

  4. the only terrorist is biden russia can just turn off the flow of pipe line from the push of a button

  5. Essential oil lavander augistafoli get a good one not cheap. Very good for burns,scars,bruises use it neat or a little cream. Tea tree essential oil excellent for healing ,cleaning wounded etc again can put it on neat or blended in oil or lotion. Keep in for first aid safe babies also.

  6. What does anyone want to bet that all of these cases these people have all stemmed from the same thing the same destroyed immune system that came from receiving a certain unspeakable vaccine

  7. Yes, we do know why RSV is spreading like a wildfire…A couple of years ago, I ran across an article on ADE (Antibody Dependence Enhancement)…all virologists are acutely aware of this. Stay out of crowds, use your hand sanitizers, get prompt treatment. Stay safe.

  8. My Grandaughter is attending the YWAM missionary training college in Kona . There are 2,000 students there. The respiratory flu is raging through the school .

  9. Didn't work with vodka so now it's with rice. These demons will not stop till they have the perfect fall country. Then do it to us and blame whomever. Same ole playbook and some of the same ole human vessels.

  10. But the liberals/leftists, anti-Gun, and reduce the MILITARY group here in North America, said not to worry. That the Communist North Korean Leader, and others in high command there, Love all NORTH AMERICA People, & SOUTH KOREAN RULE, & SOUTH KOREAN PEOPLE.

  11. The corruption of all governments is absolutely out of control!! This will push the whole world to the brink of annihilation 🔥☠️🔥💀

  12. Vaccine kicking in! So sad…if they only listen to the unvaccinated warnings from 2020!

  13. FYI; Honey can be classified three ways;
    1-Raw, right out of the hive.
    2-Pasturized, heated to no more than 140 degrees Fahrenheit, found in health food stores.
    3-Ultrapasteurized, basically almost everything you find in grocery stores.
    Raw honey has all of the natural enzymes you are looking for and the grocery brands are basically dead, with minimal use beyond flavoring.
    Read the labels before you buy or go straight to the producer.

  14. ACV, Colloidal silver, engystol, cooked onions, nettle tea, elderberry/zinc lozenges. No sugar, eat foods loaded with vitamins not preservatives and lots of sunlight.

  15. Gee Brad, I didn't realize Washington State and California were on the East Coast… LoL!

  16. Oh Goody !
    Can't wait…I have a long list of idiots here, to cross off for being just plain cowardly bullies while being protected by "the local policy enformers". SHTF will shut down favored protections per "good ol buddies", and like individuals…they will be too concerned about their own familie's lives…It is going to be glorious ! Heh, heh…

  17. Not sure about honey for DEEP wound healing. BUT. A few years ago I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. I went to the ER. They gave me round 1 of antibiotics. They didn't work. So then I tried every over the counter thing I could think of,as well as natural alternatives(such as colloidal silver). I was starting to panic bc of the size the hole in my arm was turning into,as well as the pain it caused. But OTC stuff didn't work either. Rounds 2 and 3 of different antibiotics. Nope. The flesh on my arm kept deteriorating,the wound kept getting bigger. 3 months later,,I thought about trying honey. The property next to mine produces the top selling raw, local honey for all of southern New Jersey(in fact,the honeybees are here all summer feeding off the clover and flowers in my organic yard~!!).
    I coated a bandage in the honey,,covered it with plastic bc it's messy,and left it alone for 5 days. When I changed the bandage/honey I was amazed at the significant amount of healing that had taken place~!! And after 10 days it was about 90% healed~!! I also got MRSA from a leech bite while visiting Australia and went straight to honey first. Again,,success~!!
    That was enough to convince me and honey is now always my FIRST go to~!!!
    I hope this helps anyone out there struggling with a wound that just won't heal~!!🍯🐝🍯🐝🌻💛

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