Gardening Supplies

DIY Crafting With Me – Window to The Garden Easel

Learn to use this process of putting together images and dollar store stickers along with laces and trims to create a lovely mandle piece of bedroom decoration. This technique can be used on picture frames and other mediums as well. Come and craft with me. This piece is available for purchase in my Etsy Shop.

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  1. Heavens window, I could see all my loved ones peeking out at me. I adore this, its beautiful. I always appreciate ideas, but when it comes to how I do my shop, not so much. We all try to keep prices down, but also have to pay fees and purchase product.. And sometimes we have to pay more than others, if we are whole sale buyers. So anyway thats a pet peave of mine.Im going to try to come back , probably to soon but what else can I do? Thank you for yet another amazing project .

  2. Being on your channel is never waisted time, everything happens in God time, I'm gonna send you a cool link about that too

  3. Very beautiful. I use to watch a show that I really like, very good, very nice lady, but then it was Cricket this and Cricket that. I don’t have one and probably never will. I just watch her old shows when I need to refresh my memory on how to make something. Like some others folks I don’t like being told what to buy and where to shop. If you can show me how to make it cheaper or give me ideas, I’ll keep watching. Thank you for your time and talent. Did you know that Thanksgiving is next week? I’ve been so busy with doctors appointments. Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

  4. Hi Carol, you find the cutest items to alter. I love this easel. I can see you doing the heart like you did that one only with some tweaking. Lol. Honey, don't ever let others words bring you down. I promise that the ones making negative comments are jealous of you. We each are unique in our own ways. God made us that way, to be individual. Naysayers wish they had your talent. Always hold your head up. Remember that saying we had as a child……sticks and stones make break my bones, but words will never hurt me.!!! I love you my friend. Hugs to you.💜💖💜

  5. I love that window they bring out a lot in a project. It's very very pretty carol and I'm glad you're going to stick to your style it's who you are. You're one of a kind and you have your own style and God loves you!!!!❤️

  6. All you need to do to fix those brushes…is to soak them in alcohol for a while…this will clean even acrylic dried paint……clean off the paont or mod podge…and then rince in very hot water, and you are ready to go!

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