Edible Gardening

BLACK MOREL BED EXPERIMENT, Companion Surface Planting with Allium tricoccum

A breakdown of my outdoor Morel bed experiment for fall 2022 using two different strains of Black Morel (Morchella angusticeps). Basically a raised bed of sandy soil planted with Wild Leek (Ramp) bulbs, then surface planted with Morel sawdust blocks. My hope is that this companion planting method will create a conducive environment for Morel formation by mimicking the habitat where I typically find Black Morels in the wild.


  1. I think it's real impressive brother! I always love watching your ideas come to fruition. Hopefully this one works out too

  2. Super cool I love these experiments and those that share them! Question though, what does the morels "eat" as the run through the bed though?

  3. They have a little mushroom bag basecamps! Cool idea. Only 125 days until spring…. 😑

  4. I had the thought that some of these projects could be fun 'citizen science' if you could bring the community in on the process early on, then a whole bunch of folks can do something like this at the same time, compare results etc. A little organized, and maybe a pain or maybe fun.

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