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Artemis I Launch Tests NASA’s Mission to Return Humans to the Moon | WSJ

NASA is gearing up to launch its Artemis program, which aims to return astronauts to the moon for the first time in decades. WSJ explains the challenges behind this historic mission, and why it’s a critical step in getting humans on the moon by 2025.

Photo Illustration: Amber Bragdon

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  1. people risked their lives crossing the Atlantic in leaky wooden boats because there was something worth going there for!! We already know there's nothing but space rocks up there, stop wasting money on this garbage. The money should be spent developing fusion

  2. Oh no poor NASA having to spend 93 billion over the past 12 years.. so that explains 3 1/2 years of government funded money wonder where the funds for the other 60 years went.

  3. If they are having trouble figuring out how to go there, then they were never there.

  4. Why not invest a little of that HUGE MONEY to end world hunger? And safe the climate ? So that we dont ACTUALLY HAVE to leave earth! 🥹

  5. The first women and the first person of color to set foot on the Moon. I didn't realize that NASA is part of the woke culture but oooookkkk.

  6. Good to know nasa is making racist decisions of who gets to walk on the moon based on skin color and sex. Total degenerates.

  7. That guy you kept interviewing gave me the creeps. Look at his eyes!

  8. I love the idea of people returning to the moon, just which they left politics and political correctness on Earth. People should not care what gender or color the person is, just that they are qualified to do the job .

  9. I thought theyve been there? Or Maybe im in a wrong timeline….

  10. Today is 16 November 2022 Wednesday
    8:30 am GMT5+
    Today is a big day, we will launch to reach to the moon

  11. Are kidding me!! This is a WOKE mission. NASA is ridiculous and I hope this political agenda, woke agenda fails miserably.

  12. All these tests checks and balances man oh man, it sounds like they've never been there before. I mean like what's up with all this checks you have to go through and don't say it's new technology you're moving and that's why you need to do it. The Nuance of this video clip gives the impression that they've never been to the Moon before. I mean shoots, if you can do it back in the 50s 60s when that was, why wouldn't it just be another walk in the park.

  13. We will never develop, expand, and grow as a human race with the divisions and the wars started and caused by those who perpetrated it in the beginning.

  14. If history has shown us anything with nasa and cost… It's that the cost never go down.. Spacex already proved it doesn't have to cost as much as the other launch services still charge

  15. Finally! Putting the fellow Americans Suspicions to rest. The first moon landing was trash and unbelievable. A lot of questions arose. Hopefully this lunch will be professional after the years of advancement

  16. All people i see in this video are white .. hmm why dont we have people of color on there jobs ? They take pride of taking them to the moon but not to have them as coworkers ? Very strange.

  17. So many delays when back in the sixties supposedly was developed a technology extremely successful that can't be reused on almost no thing, I don't get it. And more than a half century later, STILL the spaceship it's a cone a little bigger than a Apollo capsule, and as always NOT A SINGLE WORD about the radiation protection outside the VA belts, not on the capsule nor on the space suits. And about the lunar lander, it seems it's way bigger than Apollo LEM. The new buzzword "deep space" it's only the space OUTSIDE the VA belts, a region that supposedly was traveled by the Apollo missions without any harm, but now it's presented as a new challenge…
    I suspect that the manned flights will be delayed year after year, and it will be very interesting to hear the excuses on why we can't repeat what we've supposedly done more than a half century before.

    ps.: a reentry of 25.000 mph to test the thermal shield ?, so the capsule will do a direct reentry instead of a safer and slower skip reentry ?, this has no sense at all.

  18. NASA please stop building rockets, leave it to SpaceX. You spend 6x the money for a Rocket that is not reusable.

  19. So what if they send a woman, but when she gets there she identifies as a man??? ٩(⊙‿⊙)۶

  20. Why spend money on this when you have a huge drug epidemic, homeless people 💩ing on streets and a huge student debt crisis. Let's not talk about gun violence inflation racism etc etc etc.

  21. What's incredibly interesting is that this Artemis spacecraft CANNOT locate any of the ALEDGED APOLLO landing sites. 🤔

  22. Wildly over budget and behind schedule using almost entirely ex Shuttle parts. If you think contractors are milking this you’d be right.

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