Japanese Garden

My Ta Prohm Temple Build, Day 3, The Bonsai Zone, Nov 2022

Work continues on my temple I’m building for a root over temple planting with a Ficus.

To see previous videos of this project, click on the playlist here…



  1. Nigel, loving this temple project . Thank you for letting me share this. Definitely inspiring me to try something like it myself.

  2. Man that thing is huge man it's going to take a while for the roots really take over but can't wait to see what's comes

  3. Absolutely stunning work on the temple.. Id be tempted to add a central column to support the upper part of the temple, relieving some of the weight from the outer corners. 🙂

  4. This is an AWESOME PROJECT!! Love it. Can't wait to see the plant that you have selected for it. I'm definitely enjoying watching you work on this project.

  5. Oh my! What a incredible piece of art you have made Nigel and your not even done yet. This is going to be a show stopper for sure all by itself and you still have the trees to add to it. I think it’s going to make the cover of bonsai magazine. I love this piece ❤

  6. Hey Nigel wish you were in the Ottawa area I keep collecting trees to make bonsai with but have the jitters when I go to tackle it the first few look like carnage lol. Also what type of ficus are you planning on putting over the temple? Do you have one already in the process with roots exposed ?

    Awesome work Nigel I look forward to all of your videos when they come out.

  7. That is so freakin cool man, wow! I want to make one too now haha 😂

  8. How exciting Nigel. Big multi year project getting oh so close! Looking forward to a tree engulfing that beauty soon!

  9. Wow, the Temple build is so cool!!! What size Natal Ficus are you going to plant on it? I have several Nigel Saunders’ Natal Ficus cuttings from cuttings from cuttings if you want them.

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