Gardening Supplies

Back To Eden Gardening ~ Planting Potatoes

It’s time to plant potatoes! I let my Back To Eden Garden rest last year. I’m going to start planting my Spring garden in it now. Follow the progress… as I start the 2016 off with Red Potatoes.

Take care,


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  1. I've been thinking of starting a test plot so very interested in how it goes and how much watering you actually do on your plot. Blessings

  2. one of my favorite things to plant, the kids love it when its time to dig em up and see how many is hiding in the dirt

  3. If you are doing a true Back to Eden potato planting, you will not cut the potatoes up.
    Paul harvests his potatoes and plants his next years crop on the same day. After harvesting, Paul picks out his biggest and best potatoes and plants them WHOLE right back into the same bed. It is a dual philosophy, one is biblical. By planting the biggest and best, Paul is giving "First Fruits" Back to God and the land. The second part is crop improvement in each successive planting, By only planting the biggest and best he gets progressively healthier plants and higher yields. Plant the whole potato and get more and healthier plants.

  4. One channel I watched mentioned that he cuts the potatoes then let's it form a skin before planting. he said it prevents rotting. have you heard that before

  5. My Dad used to cut his potatoes with two or three eyes as well but he always coated the cut sides in some sort of powder.  I can't remember what it was that he used, it was to prevent rot on the cut sides. Do you happen to know what that may have been ?I'm thinking of buying a JR Pull behind tiller, if anyone has any experience with them I would love to hear the good and or bad !  Thanks!

  6. -Back to Eden is an attempt to go back to the original way gardens were designed by God to grow. Do you think God designed the potato to be sliced into pieces before being planted?
    -My opinion is that they should be planted whole in the ground. I also believe garlic should be planted whole. I planted both whole garlic, and individual cloves. The whole garlic seems to flourish faster, and to be stronger.

  7. Oh no! I planted my seed potatoes whole! I need to start watching your videos before I attempt/attack my garden. We are trying the potato box, growing 100lbs in 4 square feet.

  8. Did you have any problems keeping grass from growing into the wood chips over the 2 year period?

  9. Can potatoes keep re-growing every year or do you have to keep replanting them? I mean like if you don't harvest all of them, will the rest keep spreading?

    Thanks for the Vid

  10. Nothing like watching the Lords hand at play. Only thing we can do if help with getting it started. The rest is his doing.

  11. Good one. Same as thedogs maid… please let us know. I've only grown potatoes in raised beds and in large half barrel pots. Done pretty good. But am curious to know, if I planted them in the ground, would stray plants come up the next year? That is why I've planted them in contained areas.

  12. I know that when you first got your wood chips, you had made arrangements with a local tree trimmer/service- have you tried the online service called "Chip-drop"?  Just wondering if you had any experience with them, Thank You!

  13. All my life I've heard of people cutting up their seed potatoes. never could figure that out. Even as a kid it bugged me. We don't cut up any other kind of seed before it's planted so why chop up a potato? Not to mention all the time wasted waiting for the inside to scab over. Here look at this great seed potato. Let's chop it up into little pieces and then let it dry out and scab over so it doesn't rot! Ive never been able to see the logic in that. But that's just me. Either way you plant them you still get to dig up all that buried treasure!

  14. Hello Sir, Love the Back to Eden Method, but Paul left something very important out. For the good Fungi to grow ( Mycorrhizal Fungi ) you need a year round living root. Like the roots of the apple trees has this fungi. Made a video about this on my channel. Just trying to help. If you wish you can delete this message. God Bless.Enjoy Mark

  15. I live in North Texas, zone 8 I believe. We are pretty close to the OK border. Anyway, I ordered seed potatoes, but the company would not send them until April. Do you think it is too late to plant them? Everyone keeps saying we can't grow them in Summer. I know usually we go from winter to summer within a couple of days 😉 I seem to not be able to get my timing or soil or anything right 🙂

    Thank you for your videos. I really have learned a lot from you over the past couple of years.

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