Gardening Supplies

7 Awesome Tips to Stop Brown Tips on Your Calathea

I bet you’ve got a Calathea with brown tips on the leaves in your home. Well, I’ve got 7 fantastic tips to help you conquer this problem once and for all.
Repotting My Severely Rootbound Calathea:

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#calathea #calatheabrowntips #houseplants


  1. I have not ventured to try a calathea just yet… when I do, I might put it in a self-watering pot.

  2. Taking notes for my Makoyana that's currently being a sassy girl. Crispy leaves galore even tho the Orbifilia and Ornata not far from her are overall doing ok (new growth and limited browning). These plants are headscratchers for sure, but I love them so much 🥺 Thank you for this list of tips, there were one or two I wasn't doing yet, so there's still hope 😊

  3. The difference in growing my Calatheas was absolutely remarkable once I started using a humidifier. I have it running just about all day – no more brown edges🎉🎉

  4. Congratulations for your channel. Calatheas are very difficult plants . It is true that the quality of the water is the most important tip for a happy calathea. Although if the PH of the soil is not neutral the water can do nothing. The calatheas preferences on soil PH is neutral ( between 6.50 and 7.00. ) No more, no less . Calatheas are very sensitive : higher PH level will burn the leaves , lower will cause bacteria diseases and root rot . There are plants with high PH needs ( alkaline environment) , there are plants with low PH needs ( accided environment) and there are plants that just don’t care. I prefer the last ones to be honest) . But if to grow a happy healthy calatheas is a real challenge – because this plants needs NEUTRAL environment. No more no less. That’s the challenge, that’s the beauty that’s the madness for all the calatheas parents – we need to get PH – measure and start measure our soil – and water. Wish you good luck!

  5. While I agree with the sentiment I bet there are far more contaminants in rain water in Sheffield than the tap water. Lead will probably be higher in rain water than tap water for example simply from exhaust fumes from vehicles.

  6. I could never have one of these plants look so good they always have brown edges every single time thank you for the advice I might just get brave enough to buy one now

  7. Very helpful, thank you! One question, I use stuff in my tap water to clear out chlorine for my fish tank, will that help to clear up the tap water for my plants?

  8. I solved my Calathea problems permanently by dumping it in the trash bin. Life's too short for temperamental plants!😄

  9. I have a small Freddie cal and a rose cal. These are my first attempts at calathea…. Freddie got too dry one time and I think I lost half the plant still looks sad honestly. Rose doing good — the new leaf has opened no fuss so far hope it stays that way lovely addition to my collection.

  10. i have two, both live on top of my fish tank, both doing well. Consistency is the key for mine i use a cheap water filter, i have the Stromanthe Triostar which i thought to be a really difficult plant but mine is fine so long as I am consistent and that in this case even extends to temp on cold nights, i move it next to my boiler but return it in the morning.
    Richard nailed it in this vid Calatheas are not the best starter plants as they are moody if not cared for correctly but if you do they are amazing!
    great vid mate thank you!

  11. I don't have a calathea but I watched anyway. Knowledge is always a useful thing. An hour later, on our local Green Thumb WhatsApp group, someone posted a photo of. . . a calathea! . . . and asked what's wrong with it. "It has plenty of light," they explained. I sent them straight here. 🙂

  12. My Orbifolia started to brown the tips 🙁 Was so lovely the last months. Maybe I used too much fertilizer? Hmmm… Used Brita Water all the time since ever for my plants.

  13. Thank you for the tips. I just got one yesterday because the store had a buy one get one free sale. I didn’t realize they were difficult 😂

  14. I have 2 makoyanas which are the loves of my life, and 1 zebrina. All 3 are situated with my other plants in front of a west window with blinds. I was determined to grow a green thumb in honor of my recently deceased Mother💔 who was an avid gardener and plant grower. The 2 makoyanas are really for her and thank goodness they are doing magnificently well. I am still learning, but no brown tips whatsoever and countless new leaves. The zebrina is not QUITE as happy, but still doing fairly well. It does have a few brown tips and some mild browning along a few edges, but it also has sprouted 5 or 6 new leaves in the short time that I’ve had it. In my paranoia to not overwater I tend to under water, and I imagine that I may not be keeping her moist enough. Could also be too much light. (I try to adjust the blinds when the sun hits it but a few times I forgot) I use distilled water on them, and now that winter is here, the humidity stays around 50 – which I know is too dry. Before, it would hover around 60. I thought I was going to have to introduce some additional humidity over the winter, but I was encouraged to hear you say consistency was more important, so maybe they’ll be okay, I’m in love with them! ❤️

  15. No other plant has an issue with my drink quality tap water yes its drinkable without filtering and nore frewuent quslity gestet then any bottled water
    My rooms hunid dnough i dont give fertslizer and they stand in indirect light
    But they got blesve spots and shriveled and stuff like this i gave up on this kind of plant

  16. …I have 20plus kinds of Calathea. . .they are not my favorite but i have them – they become lush, die and regrow. . .THANK YOU FOR THE C-TIPS

  17. Could you help me with my ZZ? "She" is 18yrs old but I'm not getting any new growth. She isn't looking bad either. Just hasn't given me anything new in over a year. I haven't moved her in 10 years. I think I re-potted her in '21 or the end of '00. Please help. I love my plants like they are my kids.

  18. I use only rain water for my indoor calatheas but still they brown. Put them outside under some shade and they thrive…

  19. I just discovered your channel and I've been watching all your videos! Have you ever worked with the succulent lithops? Also known as living stones. I just got some spontaneously and I can't find much info about them, but they're so cute.

  20. I have a Calathea in which all of the leaves are curled inward. It just did this about 2-3 weeks ago. Please advise. Thank you.

  21. Instead of filters, I've been using ceramic balls for quite while now. Will try on my calatheas, thank you for the tips.

  22. I rescued a calathea from the bargain bin and repotted it straight away into a free draining mix. It still only has 2 leaves so rain water will be the next treatment. What about feeding ?

  23. I had the same problem until I started using my aquarium water to water these plants. Brown leaves disappead and the new growth rate is fantastic. I even have one growing in my aquarium. Of course only the roots are in the water. I use this aquarium water to water all my house plants. There is no smell.

  24. Ooh i know why my plants leaves look like that…thank you so much for the tips👍

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