Backyard Garden

Growing Wild Jungle Peanuts, Vegetables & More in a South Florida Backyard Garden

John from goes on a field trip to a viewers home to see what’s growing on. In this episode you will learn the easiest things you can possibly grow in South Florida if you have a edible vegetable garden. You will specifically learn about wild jungle peanuts, some perennial tropical crops that can grow year-round in Florida as well as how easy you can propogate mulberry/fig tree cuttings and so much more.


  1. some other trees you can grow in South Florida or Hawaii:Cashew ,not only can you eat the nut ,but also the fruit ,you can put it in a blender and make juice,freze the juice to make popsicles and even try putting the fruit in the freezer and just eating it like that.Jocote ,Spanish plum or Spondias purpurea also you can eat the fruit green ,ripe,make juice ,freeze the jucie and make popsicles and teh leaves are rich in iron and jocote like figs will grow from cuttings.

  2. caimito is a big tree like nance and avocado ,and bears a very delicious fruit.Nances can de eaten ripe or candied.Mamon or Mamoncillo.The varietes of Zapotes/NIsperos or Spodillas,Anon/Anona,Guanabana and a shrub she can grow even in her fron yard is Guava or Guayaba,which comes in many varieties some are green and some you eat ripe.A kind of green called Chipilin,this is sold ornamental in South Florida and also can be grown in a front yard among the other greens .The leaves can be put in soup

  3. Is this Zone 10? Where in "south Florida" is this? Miami? West Palm – Ft Meyers? Can we get a closer locator?

  4. John, this is the first video of yours that I watched a year ago. I am amazed, rewatching this, how now, I am growing everything in this video! I was brand new last year and have come incredibly far. I now have 5 greenhouses, an indoor/outdoor greenhouse upstairs – with a deck – its patio door is always open – greenhouse framed – my tropicals are there. Hottub heats one, and Ipool heats the other – rest are cold crops and 1 covered outdoor grow area. Whew! WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN! Thank you

  5. Hello John, thanks for all your support on everything you post. I am now starting my garden and would love to put as much fruits and vegetables in it as I could possibly get. I have Moringa Oleifera so far. I heard you mentioned Kutuk? I'm not sure how it's spelled but I would love to know more about it. I am in The Bahamas which has a climate like Florida. Where can I find it and how do you spell it?

  6. youd be surprised, low chill heirlooms can and are cultivated here, look up the ein shemer apple

  7. I collected a bunch of pinnaple seeds from a store bought one here in Fl. I'm going try to plant them out and use them in landscaping. Planted the top too. I have loads of cranberry hibiscus that I already have, those are great for landscaping and salads/smoothies.

  8. the last yellow fruit with red seed is use for flu!  its very good! cut them vines about medium size full of a saucepan was them good n boil them for 45 – 1hr! n drink it when it warm not hot!  drink it  every morning in empty stocha!

  9. The "serasee" looks like a plant that grows here in FL called the wild balsam apple which has been said to be poisonous. 

  10. Hi John.  I live in Fort Myers Fl,  I have experimented with growing things here which people say cannot grow here in the summer.  I am kinda a newbe at gardening but I do my homework and then experiment and dial in on making it work.  I got two aquaponics systems (45 and 60 plants) a Kratkey system 32 plants and one 36 x 4 and two 2 x 12 raised beds.  I got one 36 x4 and a 12 x6 raised bed in the works and also a huge expansion to the aquaponics system.  I live in a tiny douplex so space is at a premium-  I am also limited to what and where I can grow stuff because of the drain field in the front yard and limitation by my landlord. 

  11. Hi john in the caribbean , we mostly use the cerasee leaves as a cold remedy and a blood purifer to aidvthe flushing of free radicals in the blood stream. Some people boil the leaves or you can dry the leaves and them steep them. It has been been said thst any medicinal herb is most beneficial when dried. The liquid is quite bitter much like its bigger cousin bitter squash aka corilla. Some recent research suggests it might be good for cancer as well.

  12. I wouldn't want to grow any food next to a driveway.. especially with heavy Florida rains that would flush all the crap from your cars into the plant's soil.. Yuck

  13. I live in Boynton Beach, and would love to pick her brain about the jungle peanuts!  Is there any way to get contact info for her? She's delightful!

  14. Hay John
    Great video. Your sure that wasn't a Cleo root stock that you said was original tangerine tree in the back yard?

  15. While the moringa seed can be eaten, please do an in-depth research before consuming it.The seed is medicinal but should never be used as food.

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