Backyard Garden

My Mom's Backyard Garden Tour Ep24 (August Update) | Aiman's Backyard Organic Gardening Vlog 2020

This is the 24th episode in the new video series of gardening vlogs for 2020 by young gardener Aiman. This is the during the first week of August. Due to a very busy schedule (schooling & work), we did not do any comprehensive garden tour update for July. We did however, produced several video dealing exclusively with individual plants, vegetables, herbs, shrubs and fruit trees. Some of these videos are on blueberries, blackberries, cucumber, pepper, cabbage, garlic and a few others.

Most of the cold weather vegetables such as iceberg, romaine lettuce and bok choy have been harvested. The tropical vegetables such as pepper, kangkung, Asian spinach, Chinese celery, yard long bean, bitter melon, winged beans, daun kesum or Vietnamese coriander are now fully grown and are being harvested daily. They’re consumed either raw, in dishes or in cookings. Aiman have also done a cooking video using vegetables from his mom’s garden, the title is , “Making Pixar-Style Ratatouille (Confit Byaldi) With The Vegetables From My Mom’s Garden!” Be sure to search on his youtube channel EyeOnAiman.

We also have pictures to show our daily or “today’s harvest” on our dedicated Facebook Page, “Backyard Gardening, Vegetables & Herbs, Fruit Trees & Landscaping Ideas” (

The wooden retaining wall and fencing around the main garden in order to protect against pests, wild animals and pets have been mostly completed. Arbor was added on top of the trellis for the climbing vines such as cucumber, yard long beans, winged beans and bitter melon. Flowers and edamame (soy bean) along the back wall of the garden have grown nicely.

The back path behind the garden which used to be a strawberry pathway, has been planted with grape vines and blueberry. The irrigation system however, haven’t been completed and may not be done this year.

As mentioned in the 1st video, Aiman will be providing updates on his mom’s backyard garden & the progress report on the continuous re-transformation of that garden by his dad either on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

The tomatoes are big now. Okra, peria, luffa, winged beans, turmeric, ginger, pandan and a few other tropical plants have started to bear fruits or ready to be harvested.

Because of our gardening is organic, we didn’t use pesticides, so as you will see in the videos, some of the insects, pests and bugs have started to eat the young and tender leaves of the bok choy. Romaine and iceberg lettuces are ready to be harvested next week.

Because we live near a wooded area and river stream, not only deer are a huge problems, some of the plants have been rummaged and eaten by wild animals such as squirrels, wood chucks, beavers, ground hogs, gofers and others. These animals prefer plants such as soybean, Jerusalem artichoke, corn, and sunflowers. In the past we have installed fencing around the plants to ward of these animals. Our cats also like to poop around the fruit trees which we used to plant edamame.

We’ve also relocate our cat house to the side of the house along the picket fence rather than next to the entrance of our back door for various reasons but the cats seem to like the new location of their summer home.

If you’re interested in watching the 1st makeover for their garden from 2010 or about ten years ago, these 2 videos, “My Mom’s Backyard Garden” and “How My Dad Transformed My Mom’s Garden” are very popular. You can watch them on Aiman’s EyeOnAiman youtube playlist here:

Stay tune for Episode 25 coming up soon…

Here are the first few videos in this series:

Part 1: | Spring Is Here So Let’s Get This Garden Started
Part 2: | My Mom’s Garden Makeover & Improvements In Progress
Part 3: | 1st Week Of May & It Is Time To Start Planting
Part 4: | Snowing On 2nd Week Of May? & Our Greenhouse
Part 5: | Companion Planting & Progress 3rd Week Of May
Part 6: | How To Build An Amazing Trellis For Raised Garden Bed For Under $20
Part 7: | The Veggies Are Growing Really Fast

For all videos in this series, click on the following playlist:

This video is brought to you by Aiman Aimran Zulhilmi Anuar. Please watch more of Aiman’s backyard gardening, tips & techniques how to plant and what to grow and other gardening topics on his EYEONAIMAN’s Youtube Channel & Facebook Page.

Recording Date: August 7, 2020
Video URL:


  1. yg ada bahagian..gambarnya agak kabur dan gerakan kamera yang agak laju.. memeningkan kepala.. walau bagaimanapun.. Tahniah diucapkan kerana berjaya menghasilkan video…😍

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