Vegetable Gardening

We’ve neglected our duties… Garden update.

This time of year has been very difficult for me, in fact more difficult than last year so I’ve kind of neglected some of my duties, but we will get back on track. Thank you so much for your love, and your commitment to our channel.


  1. These temperature swings are heck to deal with. Hard to predict too!
    You’ve got a lot of success already. Well done!
    Love and hugs.
    PS- So sad to hear of the loss of Fancy. It’s hard when you lose one of those long time companions. I’m glad Pops went ahead and got a new kitten. It’s important to have something to look forward to each day. Please let Pops know I’ll be think of him. ❤

  2. Gm Do you have to spray the leaves? Can you eat the leaves with it being sprayed like that.Or can you just treat around the crops.To be honest those leaves don't look appetizing. Lol

  3. Hey, gal! So glad you had time with your family this Thanksgiving week. Harvested Mom's beets. May work on them today. Small harvest but hopefully enough to get her a few pints of pickled beets she loves so much. Adjuster coming today, finally. Thankful for that for sure.

  4. Here in north Florida its up and down. Its back in the 80s .Ugh I planted SOME bulbs and they sprouted so will wait until dec/ Jan before planting my bulk of bulbs. We do have cooler mornings but the temperature goes back up by mid day.

  5. Those are beautiful plants. We have no rainat all. Lake is down 3 ft. We,re supposed to get rain,and bad wind. Hoping no tornados. We have 3 storms coming. Watch your weather thats coming. Love you all.

  6. I've seen the weather too that is talking about the cold coming I really hate that forcast

  7. Good Morning Jill—this was an interesting video—sort of a collage of information. Good stuff.
    There is 1 thing I would like to ask about that is such a weak point in my gardening. So often I have just gotten the ground ready and planted. Done deal.
    But you seem to have such a good system of getting your seeds in trays at the right time and potted up and then in the garden in such a timely seamless fashion.
    How do YOU do it? I would guess different folks pull this together different ways….maybe calendars, notebooks, just in their heads.
    Could you do a video on how YOU get your act together on times of seed starting to harvest at whatever time you are shooting for? You guys are so organized.
    Thanks for all you and Greg do to help us out here. Jesus bless.

  8. I'm glad to hear you haven't been on social media much lately. I started thinking with your comment about "check us out on Twitter" that you had changed to that. I don't do Twitter. I tried once and started getting notices for all these young pop stars who I don't care for. That was my foray into Twitter.

  9. What a blessing to have your family for Thanksgiving. I'm so happy for you. Yes, the temperature swings are doing a number on my plants. Something keeps eating my garden and I can't figure out what, I think maybe we have mice coming in. Oh well, just another gardening year.

  10. Sorry to hear about the loss of Pop's kitty. Wonderful to see your kale and bok choy thriving despite the challenges.

  11. Afternoon, Jill. That worm you picked, I found it's twin on one of my tomatoes, yesterday. Never seen those here, before. Did you see the Veggie Boys last video? Matt talking about the price of broccoli and cauliflower? 😲So much going on for sure. Still talking rail strike, the DC crew cutting off "a" sugar supply into the US. I was praying this morning, and just venting? It's like they don't want us to have 1 moments peace. I turn this stuff off once in a while, and get a lot done. But, that mess is still out there. Anyway, good tour and thanks.

  12. Jill, thank you so much for keeping us subscribers up to date on what's happening at North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking … If you ever start a Donate $$$ Button, I want to be the first to donate to your channel. I've learned so much from you over the last several months. 😊 Merry Christmas may you have a wonderful holiday season… 🎅

  13. 6-8 inches of snow here in the high desert of Texas. I’ve been busting my bootie trying to keep my cabbage, broccoli, onions, carrots, garlic, etc… alive!

  14. I was too busy last week to catch videos, but I’m working on catching up. Enjoy yours as always!

  15. Time off to fully enjoy the holidays is surely time well spent. About 4 inches here in the past 3 days, much of it last 36 hours. So thankful. Condolences to Pop on his loss. 😢
    Sending hugs! 💞💞👍👍

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