Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Garden Harvest – Garlic, Broad Beans and Beetroot | Permaculture Living

The garlic needs to come out and while we’re at it let’s grab some broad beans and beetroot. In today’s video we do some harvesting then I show you what I do with the produce next!!


I’ve started a buymeacoffee page – it should be renamed buymeaplant page as I hope to use funds raised here to diversify my trees and shrubs in my food forest. If you’d like to support me – link is below!! Thank you!

#permaculture #selfsufficientliving #nodiggardening


  1. Linda your chooks are so lovely and your rooster is so handsome. Good idea to pull your garlic out with all the wet weather. I’ve been pulling up some of my bulbs earlier than usual due to the wet. Love seeing all the worms!! We got our pump last week and it has really helped us out. Thanks so very much again lovely, I’ll be doing a thank you video soon. Have a wonderful weekend xx Cathi xx 😘

  2. What a wonderful harvest for this time of the year! I can't imagine that you ever need to buy a vegetable. It's great to be able to pick and eat such flavoursome organic food each day.

  3. what a difference that 1600 klm makes in Australia.
    My region has slipped into drought , the ground is like concrete and bone dry

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