Vegetable Gardening

How to Grow Peanuts ‘Monkey Nuts’ Final Update, Vegetable Gardening

How to Grow Peanuts ‘Monkey Nuts’ Final Update, Growing Monkey Nuts, Vegetable Gardening

The peanuts germinated well and were easy to grow, and I have to say I was very confident of getting a decent crop in my first years attempt.
We had a hot Spring and start of Summer, which the plants appreciated.
Plants produced lots of flowers and started to develop the downward shoots onto which the peanuts should form.
Unfortunately August arrived. In Essex, UK, it was such a bad month of weather. Rain nearly every day, coupled with winds and colder then usual temperatures day and night.
Some of the plants rotted so had to be thrown out and now we enter the first week of September I just thought enough is enough, so pulled them up for the final inspection.
A few juvenile peanuts formed on each plant but unfortunately we haven’t had the consistency in temperatures to produce a good crop.
Summary, I think peanuts are easy to grow but for me to consider growing them again I would want to have a polytunnel or glasshouse to grow them in to give the temperature consistency they need.

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  1. Damn, sucks man! I'm trying to grow peanuts this year, I've got them in the greenhouse with a heater, and hopefully they will survive the colder weather! This series has been very helpful! Thank you!

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