Front Yard Garden

NO FOOD SHORTAGE – Stuck at home? GROW YOUR FOOD! – Front Yard Garden Tour | Heirloom Permaculture

All of us are responsible for fixing the “broken” food system. After all, we created it by supporting it. Here’s how we are opting out of the failing industrial agriculture system.

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  1. Your garden looks great. And people should follow your advice and start planting. You can read about all the how to's but getting in there and doing it is most of the learning. Stay Blessed 🙂

  2. Hey John, the garden is lookin good! Did y’all do a video on starting your onions? I’d love to grow onion from seed. Hope y’all are doing well during all these storms!

  3. The carrots do look amazing! But so does the rest of the garden. Your message about starting now to grow is the truth, start growing now! no matter where you live. Blessings

  4. You're right, get to growing. Takes a while to get where you want, especially your orchard, strawberry, asparagus and rhubarb type beds. Gardening is such an honest hobby. You really do get out of it about what you put into it. A lot of people will look at your garden and think they don't have your kind of time. But I know that's not at all what you intend. Your garden just gives an example of how nice a garden can look, and it's a great inspiration to others.

  5. 🤣🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
    🙋‍♀️"Hi my name is Amy and I have a Tomato ADDICTION!!!" 🥰😆
    Love Love Love the garden update and tour!!! Crazy weather days here too…
    Got to say I love that you guys tried Onions from seeds…been wanting to do that for a couple of years so I am living vicariously through y'all for this year!!!!

  6. The certification is a Butterfly Waystation I was working nights that for our farm. Everything looks amazing! Y’all have a beautiful lace and that’s the best advice plant, plant, plant! Wendy❤️🐞

  7. Looks like Mosaic Virus…does anyone smoke in the greenhouse, or smokes and then touching the cucumber plants? Lookup Tobacco Mosaic Virus.

  8. WOW, you guys have been working hard and proof is in that beautiful and soon to be bountiful garden.. Well done..

  9. My Katrina cucumbers look the same way. I’ve been removing fruit and pruning and it still hasn’t helped with how bad they look. I’ve started letting them fruit and fruit is coming on very strong. Keep us updated on how they do.

  10. That would be SO COOL if you could become a designated pollinator! And great advice at the end John. I love watching your progress! Y'all are doing awesome!

  11. John you are so witty! The garden looks fantastic, Angela's hard work and your charts work well together. LOL Love ya'll …………………….💗🙏Patti

  12. Thank goodness I don't live in a HOA. I expanded my garden to the front yard. It looks sorta like a potage garden but I have been harvesting since last Fall. Only one neighbor has complained but he is one of those that eats fast food like crazy. So I just ignore the haters! Keep on growing. It looks amazing

  13. The garden looks fantastic. Last year I thought my carrots weren't going to grow, I tarped half for some reason of another plant. The carrots under the tarp grew😀, I was amazed!
    YES get out there and at least plant one thing u will be amazed at what you can do! And the creator.
    God Bless. 💖

  14. Your garden looks amazing, mine looks like it is dying before it has started, I still have hope. I think the rain we got here in OK also did not help me a lot or it might be cold we got not too long ago.

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