Front Yard Garden

23 ways to IMPROVE YOUR GOLF right now!

My list of 23 ways you can improve your golf right now! These are my top golf tips to improve your golf swing and lower your scores. A huge thanks to partners of the channel Shot Scope for supporting us and making this video happen. For more info on Shot Scope, check them out here:

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  1. One thing that helps me out on the course is we have a rule nothing higher then double par on the hole. So if I hit a bad shot then have another bad shot afterwards I'll pick up my ball take the double par and just watch my friends finish the hole and take the couple minutes to regather my thoughts

  2. Don't overthink. And always take a practice swing. Those 2 things are helping me massively.

  3. Some great tips here that I definitely will be taking away with me. I have decided to change my approach when playing golf. Changing my grip has seen me be more consistent with ball striking, instead of toeing, topping, or hitting pit of the heal. I will be working and filming myself going forward.

  4. I learned decades ago that golf is, above all else, a game a character. Once my opponent loses his/her temper or starts to get mad at themselves after a shot, I know I'm in a position of advantage. For me, golf is a matter of keeping one's head at all times and taking advantage of hot-heads when they pop off. It works more often than not.

  5. Love the tips. I just went and grabbed some Srixton Z star balls looking for a bit more feel compared my calaway super softs yesterday. That combined with lot of games over the last 3 months I finally broke 90. Shot an 84! Love the videos and all the guides that have helped my game. Currently went from a 18 H/C to a 15 after that round. Didnt even loose a ball.

  6. Great video, I felt it to be informative,and helpful big time about the mentality aspects 👍my friend

  7. Big Tip you should do is if your Irons are 5 Years or Older have them check with Eval with a Fitting. Upgrading clubs over 5 Years can make a real difference in technology.

  8. So true about walking a golf course, it just puts you in touch with the course in such a cool way. Really gets me focused on the game.

  9. Great video & excellent tips but have to disagree on the ball – everyone needs as much help as possible & every shot includes the ball so everyone benefits from using the best ball surely? Only caveat is if the thought of losing an expensive ball makes you more likely to do so….

  10. Apart from being a brilliant video, what really tipped me over the edge for giving it a like was "angry Pete".

  11. Excellent video. With my highish handicap I'm using the range finder on the driving range to assess how far I'm actually hitting the ball and then using a GPS app (SwingU) on the course to give me distances. I'm finding this gives me confidence in distance without the pressure of taking the range finder out on the course, I can't play to that accuracy and feel a bit of an idiot using a range finder and then duffing the shot.

  12. Ah, that’s where I was going wrong…trying to film my swing while holding the phone in my hand🫢

  13. Awesome video as always. The other issue with the mindless practicing at the range is if you’re doing a bad swing 100x without actually stopping and changing it, you’re just developing terrible muscle memory – and making the work to fix your swing way harder down the road.

  14. Top tips, Pete. Couldn't agree more with so many of them, especially with getting out there and walking the course. I'm a big fan of carrying too – I always say it ensures I'm warmed up by the first green!

  15. #21. How about a maxfli tour x golf ball. You should do a review vs a premium ball. Watched a guy qualify for us mid am with it!

  16. It's crazy how much proper set up is emphasized and yet still somehow not emphasized enough as the absolute best way to improve your game because it's the thing you can control the easiest, relative to actually swinging the club, most consistently and will yield the biggest gains when you get it right.

  17. Congrats mr finch on being under nelly korda in the most influential list ,who wouldn't want to be there 😉

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