Gardening Trends

Mar-A-Lago Nightmare Blunt Rotation ft Trump, Kanye, & Nick Fuentes – Weekly Weird News

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00:00 – Trump, Kanye, and Nick Fuentes
26:27 – Queen Romana update
34:26 – Headlines

• Trump/Kanye/Fuentes

‘Having sex with women is gay’: White nationalist incel movement is going to bizarre extremes to define straightness

Q RV update


  1. Okay, I have a turkey story…
    So, a year ago I moved into a house where the owner, (who previously lived there and was a hoarder) left behind a lot of crap. But he also left behind a bunch of animals: chickens, cats, lizards and a wild turkey. I took on the care of the animals and was actually excited to have a turkey. This turkey (who’s name was Slartibartfast, or Slarty for short) was a few years old and mean as hell. But, I’m good with animals, so I thought I could rehabilitate and socialize him. I was aware that he had been mistreated by the owner’s children and I assumed that was why he was so damn mean. So I started spending time with him and giving him pets and cuddles. He liked getting pets and attention; but he couldn’t interact with me without biting me, kicking me, wing slapping me, etc. But I was patient and put up with it, trying to get him to calm down. Then he started to try and seduce me (lots of dancing) and he got even more aggressive and very jealous. He killed one of my roosters after I started to bond with it (crushed him with his feet) he killed four of our chicks/juveniles by biting them in the head or the back of the neck and crushing their bones. I myself was getting the shit kicked out of me every damn day. I was always covered in bruises and wounds. I am now covered in scars. I don’t think people really realize how big and powerful these birds are. They are dinosaurs. They have a hooked beak, huge, powerful legs and feet with massive claws and strong wings. They can jump very high and fly about fifteen feet up (they perch in trees at night) and they will dive bomb you. Even though he was constantly hurting me, I developed a kind of Stockholm Syndrome and became very fond of him. So I was willing to be patient with the hope that he might get better. My husband wanted to kill him, but I always told him no. So, for a whole year I put up with Slarty and his abusive behavior. It wasn’t all bad though. He could also be cuddly sometimes. In July my husband made a cage within the pen that I could put Slarty into while I was working with the chickens. That helped a lot with my physical injuries. During this last year I also raised ten white turkeys. They, on the other hand, are sweet and docile. The other turkeys were afraid of him and he bullied them. So I finally decided after he killed a chicken I was fond of (again) that it was time for him to go to slaughter. So, two weeks ago my husband put him down and dressed him and he’s now in the freezer in the garage awaiting consumption on Easter. This Thanksgiving we ate one of the white turkey toms and he was delicious. I’m glad Slarty is gone, it took a lot of stress off me. But yeah, my point here is, do not underestimate how much a turkey can physically fuck you up. I would not want to be a resident of that town and have to deal with a flock of aggressive turkeys. Good luck to them. I hope Kevin doesn’t kill anyone.

  2. So Kanye isn't mad about his xwife exposing his kids to sexual explicit material he's just mad she beat him to it 🤔

  3. turns out the emperor doesn’t wear clothes bc of his chronic skin condition

  4. Glad you're getting more traffic! The fact that you called out commenters in prior videos helped remind me I can help bring interaction to your and other channels I want to support. It's a silly thing not to remember to do but the reminder helped! Now, I'm in a good habit of leaving comments for you! 😄

  5. I do love Christmas on your channel. Because Elliott always seems like the more Dad like straight laced one and Ricky is usually the more irresponsible and fun one. Then Christmas rolls around and it just flips. Bring on jolly Elliott!!!

  6. Jesus all these sad boys shouting 'yeah' at his bs. R u for real? what a sad bunch of clowns

  7. Kanye to Trump: “ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, OK!
    Beggars can’t be choosers, Trump you’re talkin to Ye!”

  8. 19:01

    I love how Ricky entertains Eliot’s idea of Trump, Kanye and Nick Fuentes starting a podcast and gives his real-world response.

    Reminds me of a good friend I used to have during college that would always entertain the stupid and hilarious “high-deas” our group would come up with while extremely baked 😶‍🌫️

  9. I think it's time to stop calling someone a genius while actually he's having a mental problems

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