Front Yard Garden

Here With The Magic Show – November 21, 2022

It’s Thanksgiving in Walt Disney World! We’re marking the holiday by celebrating the cozy feelings, rustic ambience, and nostalgic Americana that this holiday brings to so many hearts and homes. We’ll also be seeking quiet moments of familiar joy in places near and far.

First, we’ll celebrate an often overlooked Disney Family and climb to great heights for a moment of pause at the Swiss Family Treehouse and its incredible view of the Magic Kingdom. Next, Nice Guy Zac Brown takes us along to revisit the pastoral landscapes, historic spaces, and small town charm that is so quintessential of the American Midwest, as he explores some of his childhood stomping grounds in southwest Ohio.

Then Epcot’s iconic Voices of Liberty will treat us to a medley of classic Disney tunes, American folk songs, and patriotic scores that will leave your heart full and your eyes misty. For this week’s Community Connection, we journey across the Atlantic, courtesy of @Ponto Orlando for a stop by an historic medieval site in Tomar, Portugal.

Back in the Magic Kingdom, it’s time to put on our stretchy pants as we are treated to a Thanksgiving feast at Liberty Tree Tavern. Finally, we’ll close out the show with a moment of calm amidst the majestic landscape of one of my favorite places in the world: Grand Teton National Park.







0:00 – Show Opener
0:51 – Introduction
03:03 – The Main Attraction – Swiss Family Treehouse
10:30 – Wanderings – Ohio Roadtrip
20:30 – It’s Showtime! – Voices of Liberty
33:18 – Community Connection – Tomar, Portugal
35:48 – Adventures in Food – Liberty Tree Tavern
53:32 – Moment of Calm – Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
55:39 – Closing

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