Vegetable Gardening


Have you ever wondered how your food was grown? Our family farms 80 acres of vegetables in the USA and would be happy to show you!

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We farm over 400 acres here in north east Pennsylvania, but 80 of those acres are strictly vegetables. Come take a look and see how our family works together to bring in the harvest!
If you are new and enjoy the videos please remember to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE!

#harvest #vegetables #gardening


  1. Your work is never done and you truly deserve our devotion and thanks. You keep us fed. Thank you.

  2. My family, when plastic was folded up for later use, would take masking tape and a marker to say what it was for and what size it is. Made it easier for us to go through the piles and find what we are looking for.

  3. Please tell Aunt Rhonda thank you for letting us see her peanut butter fudge in the process! 😊 we love you Aunt Rhonda! 🤗

  4. Joel wearing shorts while it's snowing? No wonder he carries egg warmers. lol

  5. Just a note to say HI and that I love watching your channel. I've told many people about your channel and hope they check it out for themselves. Always enjoyable to see your family working a farm to feed us. Your Grammie is one of the hardest working women I've ever seen. I know you all work hard, but there is no way I could ever come close to what she does on a daily basis. So give her a kiss on the cheek and a big hug from Faye in Texas. I know times are hard but you all do it with a big smile and carry on. An encouragement to all of us. May you all be blessed.

  6. Veggies Boys God bless you all guys you are feeding and people healthy wish you all well 🏡🙏😁🖐️

  7. Omg when Grandpa started to laugh so hard 🤗I remembered why I love him so much..He looks like the Lion out of the wizard of Oz , my favourite childhood film of all time xxx🥰.
    Has Aunt Becky cut the lad’s hair? Looking good .
    Stay safe stay well everyone x

  8. I live near Buffalo we only got 2 feet here, my daughter had about 4 feet of that lovely white stuff.

  9. I'm seriously thinking about getting a couple of chickens. It's just that where I live there are predators, so I'd have to keep them penned instead of free ranging. We'll see. I saw your 2 cats in the video (probably more than 2), so tell us about your cats.

  10. "You'd probably just get in my way" – Grammie telling it like it is. LOL Seeing that Johnny's catalogue is reminding me to get on the stick and organize a seed order. Thanks for another great upload.

  11. So you are a week from Thanksgiving and I'm watching this newly posted video on the 28th? You need to git your butt in the office and do some quicker video editing….lol

  12. I absolutely love watching your videos you all make my day such a close knit family that works together to get things done and little Callie saying bye bye brings so much joy

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