Garden Plans

WWE's Long-Term Plan For Sami Zayn Will Break Your Heart

All of today’s wrestling news including:

Intro (0:00)
William Regal Set For Sensational WWE Return? (0:20)
WWE’s Long-Term Plans For Sami Zayn Will Break Your Heart (3:14)
WWE Royal Rumble 2023: Major Change Of Main Event Plans (6:47)
Huge Backstage Praise For Triple H In WWE (8:17)
Twitter Questions (12:14)

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  1. I don't think it'll be Sami vs the Bloodline because I don't think they're going to turn on him. I think they're going to acknowledge him. Mark my words, it'll be Roman vs Sami Uso at Wrestlemania. And HHH wouldn't have turned a wrestler heel, he'd effectively have turned the audience.

  2. I genuinely fear that Sami is so unbelievably over that Cody may end up getting a bit screwed. Could be 2014 Daniel Bryan all over again, with fans rejecting anybody except Sami. Batista didn't deserve to win the RR and headline WM in 2014; Cody very much does in 2023 but Sami may have thoroughly stolen his thunder.

  3. Ive said to people for years Sheamus is so physical hard-hitting and well-rounded he has a move set for just about every position in the ring!

  4. Now's the time for Sami to have the belt. If he doesn't get it at Mania this year then I doubt we'll ever see him hold the big belt if not now

  5. hello legends ! do you think the cody rhoades package at survivor series is a sign that he's returning before the rumble ? if that's true would rather him returning or Papa H needs to hold off until the rumble

  6. William regal equals hashtag legend.
    From the performer to The Man behind the characters there's nothing bad I can say about the man.

  7. Didn't Fenix use the hammer at the ppv or did I imagine that, but why be upset at Penta when he just did the same as his brother?

  8. All this build up just for a tag team match at wrestlemania? Pretty underwhelming if you ask me

  9. They should have Sami and Kevin wins the tag titles and have Kevin win the wwe title and Sami win the universal title that’s brilliant booking both of them as undisputed champions after taking down the bloodline

  10. I’d like to see the MITB match come back to Wrestlemania and Sami win it and then Insert himself in the main event to “help” Roman win and then he “accidentally” wins.

  11. If Cody don't win the rumble Sami should and they can pull a lowkey evolution story line even tho roman hold both world titles 🤣🤣🤣

  12. When the bloodline turns on Sammy that is going to be the best way possible for them to be true heels no one is going to be cheering for them when that day comes and I don't want that day to come 😭

  13. How many losses do we want Kevin Owens to have against Reigns? Just put Sheamus against Reigns at the Royal Rumble ffs

  14. Sami at the moment has achieved wayyy beyond what Bryan was able to achieve at his best as babyface. He's way too over considering that he's getting cheered while being in a heel faction. To even think that Bryan was better than this is outright blindness. Sami has gone milessss beyond what Bryan was able to without pondering as a sympathetic babyface.

    As a staunch DB and SZ fan, i'm sorry to say but SZ is on a level even Bryan couldn't reach especially when you take into account that Sami's story telling is better than anyone in the bloodline or as a matter of fact anyone in the WWE at the moment.

    Watched Survivor Series just to see where Sami's story goes and you can see that even WWE made the war games match a story between SZ and KO. This entire match was a story telling of the bloodline and Sami and nothing more. The brawling brutes was just a much needed contributing factor in this but a true wrestling fan would immediately realize that WWE made this entire PPV about Sami, Owens, Jay and the Bloodline. Everyone else was a supporting cast in this.
    Kudos to Reigns for making this surreal as well.

  15. Fucking inaccurate drivel, did any of you even watch Wargames for fucks sake, Sami not leaving the Bloodline any time soon, and no, it doesn't 'work out better for everyone', stop regurgitating empty commentary from random wrestling YouTubers.

  16. Sami too cost usos being eliminated and they take revenge by taking him out of it, ko comes out on the raw after offering sami payback with a tag team title match against usos.

  17. I may be in the minority here, but I think the (sami) portion of the story has ran it's course. Ready for Sami to get the POOSH he deserves.

  18. The moment KO was introduced into the bloodline story line I knew that it is inevitable for Sami to split with the bloodline which really makes me sad as he’s truly made the bloodline and wwe in general so damn entertaining during his tenure with the group

  19. I'm very happy the bloodline won wargame instead of some lame turn and breakup

  20. Sami should win the title at that point. If they bring EC to Montreal, and also break up the Bloodline which everybody loves, then the pay off should be Sami winning the title. The break up just would not make sense if he does not even win the title

  21. I know they're not doing Day 1 or anything like that and there's no plans for a PPV before RR, so if they do a title match for Sheamus I think a Christmas match on the 23rd with Sami helping Roman beat him or perhaps a 3-Man Tag match for all the gold with the Bloodline on top at the end of the show. It could be a Very Ucey Christmas special.

  22. Legit looking forward to how them turning on Sami plays out. Gotta be Roman getting pissed Sami is more over than him or something. This storyline is great. Triple h is killing it. Wonder if Vince I'd even watching and sitting at home going this is not such good shit lol

  23. They need to split the tag titles so Sami ko go for smackdown titles and get ciampa and gargano back got the raw titles at WrestleMania

  24. #1 . William Regal is locked into a THREE YEAR contract .
    #2 . Pinocchio is being praised backstage ? For what ?
    A boring ppv or a abysmal raw ?

  25. Man. If I had a five, Alexa Bliss would be two or three of those spots… 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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