Japanese Garden

being alone, journaling by the sea, reading, leaving seoul | self care that actually works for me

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i decided to slow down a little bit and focus on resetting my head a bit so i thought i’d share some things i do to take care of myself. whether you’re in a busy city like seoul, or a small town i’ve never heard of, i hope these tips are all possible for you! sending you lots of love always!

My vlogging class – https://skl.sh/3s3v0nD
Journaling class – bit.ly/3GHt6QM
@The Purple Palace Journal – https://www.shaynaklee.com/ilovebeingsensitive
Forest App – https://www.forestapp.cc/
Some playlists I like:
— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDtAwXZkdU0
— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1BJ4U9cJFc
— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxjPuxBVZ_Y

✨ Shop my necklace from Ana Luisa: https://bit.ly/3ldD1Bm ✨

🍐 My second channel: https://bit.ly/31bHrQC

🍜 My Skillshare class: https://skl.sh/3s3v0nD

💖NEW VIDEO Every Sunday 8am KST💖

Music from Artlist.ioGet 2 Months Free: http://bit.ly/2Rs7UCG

🌼 Check out my photography shop!🌼

☕ Donate a coffee?

What’s my job? (Non-teaching job in korea) – https://bit.ly/3aeNl6x
Where do I live? (Korean apartment tour) – https://bit.ly/2kJK1Hk
Where am I from? – https://bit.ly/2xzc7hz

You can also find me here:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/caricakez
Twitter: https://twitter.com/caricakes
Website: https://www.caricakes.net/
Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2NsNdbY

being alone, journaling by the sea, reading, leaving seoul | self care that actually works for me


  1. What works for me, when I feel sad or anxious, is to write everything so I don't keep all these negative feelings inside, even though I don't have anyone to talk to about that. Once it's written and out of my system, I always feel lighter 🙂

  2. Hi Cari! Your videos always make my day. So watching them is one of my ways to make me feel better every week. I also find that having my set morning routine (including a set skin care routine) makes me feel a lot more in control of my life. 🫶😊

  3. I love journaling but it can become overwhelming for some reason??? So I’ve made it my whatever I’m feeling journal which has helped a lot. It’s a collection of life events, thoughts, sketches, lists, book reviews, quotes, leaves and pictures taped to it and it has helped me more just allowing free range and not trying to guilt trip myself into it. Love these new ideas to add on to it. Love you lots Cari!! 💗💗💗

  4. The BEST self-care thing that I did for myself this year was start dancing ballet. It makes me feel soooo good, I think is a wonderful thing to try (or any dance tbh)

  5. This was a very interesting video. It's obvious that you have a lot of things going on inside of you, and all that energy needs channels to express itself through. You're not really alone though; you have us with you since we're on your mind as you think about what to record, write about, edit, etc.

    I've come to the conclusion that you are actually a romantic in concept, but you're not a big fan of the obligation of it. You're sampling a multitude of things all the time, so getting tied down to one particular thing would be burdensome, even if you like the initial experience of it. I think you've stayed with doing vlogs as long as you have because it's a way to channel a lot of other things you touch on, absorb and do. You're very much a creative, and creatives have the endless desire to explore and express creativity.

    For someone who has a lot going on inside, time alone is maintenance/organizing time. It allows you to organize and clean up the mess of thoughts, ideas, and everything else going on inside, and prioritize what you want to focus on. There are times when you feel totally out-of-sync, and don't know what to do with yourself, and there are other times when there's just not enough time in the day to get to all you want to do. It's important to get a handle on that and not let it tear you apart.

    I'm at the age where I've experienced a lot of things, and lost a lot of things over the years. I've realized that life is just a stream of moments, then they're gone. The transitory nature of that makes it difficult to feel any kind of enduring contentment. Early on in my life, I found myself yearning for stability, for something solid to ground myself on so I could cope with the winds and challenges of life. I found that in God; or I guess more accurately he found me. God is the only thing that has always been, will always be, and never changes. This has nothing to do with religion, which are just forms of government. All religions are organizations by men for the purposes of power and control. God is unique. There is nothing else like him. He is the author of all things beautiful, creative, wonderful. To walk with God in your life, is to be an apprentice on a journey of discovery, learning and growth. The beauty of his love is so calming, so stabilizing, that I can't imagine trying to live without it; especially in a world where everything is constantly churning and changing, and no matter what you do, the best you can come away with is memories of moments.

    God is life; his love is life. Once you choose that, it changes you and enables you to see everything with different eyes.

    You're on a journey Cari. You instinctively know what the right direction is, yet the darkness pulls at you, trying to seduce with the thrill of unbalanced, reckless power. When it pulls on you and you indulge it, you don't feel right and you know you need to get away from it. It's taken you down some dark roads; roads you've regretted taking. The pathway to the light of God's love is straight and narrow, and it goes up; you have to climb it. You like to hike, walk and climb however, so it's something you're already inclined to do; you just have to do it inwardly. The view from the heights is magnificent. The higher you go, the fewer there are with you, but you like to be alone so that shouldn't hinder you. There is however one very important individual who will be with you always on the journey, and his companionship makes the journey ever more beautiful, because the farther you go, the more of him you gain; which is the indescribable beauty of God's love, the treasure of heaven. The one outstanding difference I've noticed as I've climbed the path, is that it's not transitory. It's not a stream of passing moments; it's a steady feed that builds and fulfills you. You gain and grow inwardly as you climb. The atmosphere at the heights is purer, cleaner, especially compared to the winds of animosity that are constantly blowing across the lands down below.

    There's something about you Cari, that keeps me and others coming back to your channel. My prayers are for you, that God will guide your feet to the straight and narrow path, because I know you would find it to have everything you need and long for. I can only imagine how you would document that journey. It would be a vlog like no other.

  6. I really like the idea of lists as a gateway into journaling, especially as someone who struggles with writing down their thoughts and feelings. Would love to try this!

    And my favourite self care things are listening to music, going outside for walks, and playing volleyball. I need to get back to some of those things, finals have been killing me 😭

  7. I like watching CariCakes for my mental health. I like feeling apart of a community who cares about the same values as I do.
    I like the parking far away from a store I’m going to, to get some exercise.
    I like doing exercises as I walk like raising my knees to my hand.
    I like doing stretches if I’m waiting.

    Oh ya and dancing for some serious workouts.
    Also riding around the city on a bicycle is great for cardio and easy on the knees. Physically I’m 30 but spiritually I’m 100 and like to take things sloooow.

  8. I bribe myself to do cardio by using reading. My local gym has a recumbent bike, so I go daily and read while pedaling. I average about 13-14 miles in the 45 minutes that I am there, and can usually read one book a week. I have stuck with this for 3 years now.

  9. i LOVE this approach of intentionally returning to proven self care routines during this time of year that is so hard for people. tuning in from my editing nook to finish this week's video for my channel while a lavender candle is burning and my huge water bottle is handy to remind me to stay hydrated 😅 here's to making it thru the year everybody, we got this!

  10. funny enough i’ve started to journal because of a class assignment where i had to keep a journal for 10 weeks. i had sooooo much fun when i had to sit down and reflect on the past week that i want to keep at it even though the assignment is done with. i love your idea of just writing down lists and not having to write paragraphs and i’ve seen comments on people who write down quotes that spoke to them which i love and will try to do. the journal i’m writing on is digital though as i love the freedom digital provides, i can put photos straight from my photo library on entries. and there’s the added bonus of not having to carry tons of highlighters and pens as all the tools are available from a simple tap.

  11. Hiking. I never stop loving hiking. Climbing hills with that goal of reaching the top. No music, no podcasts, no distractions. Halfway through I get a huge rush that I don’t get from just walking, or working out indoors. If there are woods and trees it’s a bonus. So anytime my mood is low , if I can just force myself outside, find some nature, and put one foot in front of the other, I know I’ll come home a changed woman. I use to joke I’m literally running away, but I always come back better.

  12. love your vids! i would say what has helped me in recent months is what some peeps are calling cycle syncing – so syncing the activities, workouts, meals, etc. that most closely match your energy levels created by the hormonal shifts during a cycle. i too was always feeling crappy that’d i’d be all excited to do workouts for a couple of weeks and then drop off for weeks on end. i realized that there are certain phases in my cycle where i have more energy and that i should be scheduling more intense workouts during that point, and the days that i have less energy, i can focus more on walking and yoga, etc. doing different workouts based on what phase i am in that week helps me keep things interesting and i feel less disappointed in myself because i’m listening to my body more. i’ve also learned to map my social calendar and personal reflection/development to these phases. some phases you will feel more confident and want to be social/do more at work, and other phases you may want to nest more and be more reflective, etc. i still struggle with consistency and sticking to plans, but at least i have a better idea of when during the month i’m more inclined to do more, be more social, dedicate more time to rest, etc. i’m still learning about it but maybe its something to consider!!

  13. Honestly one of my favourite things is when content creators you love put out content that resonates so much with you because this is exactly what you needed and what you're thinking about.
    Discovering you has brought so much joy into my life ✨
    Thank you ❤️

  14. thanks for sharing. I really need to be on myself from time to time to recharge and that's part of my selfcare, but that was the last couple of years of course not really possible. I noticed that my anxiety gets higher if I check the news constantly, so i stopped that, as well as just putting my phone away. I tried journaling a couple of times, but that doesn't work for me but i totally understand it works for others. I do like to keep a journal when traveling but as you said at home, when probably needing it the most, it doesn't work.

  15. I went on a little solo trip to Malaga in Spain once, and one day I got the train to Seville. I remember that journey as actually one of the highlights of the trip – I love being in motion, staring out the window at the landscape and daydreaming.

  16. funny you mentioned that video about how to make your life aesthetic because i think it’s the first of your i ever watched and was so surprised to find someone who thought and perceived life so similarly to me… needless to say your tips also ring so true to me 🤍 thank you for sharing so much, always

  17. thanks for the tips. i want to get into solo travelling myself!

  18. I got so absorbed in this video that the moment you said "make yourself a cup of tea" I jumped off the couch so fast screaming OMG I MADE MYSELF TEA because I had completely forgotten about that and thankfully it was still warm

  19. I feel like I need the escape more than anything, anytime I'm not really into a tv show or reading a good book, I struggle a little

    I also got the app you recommended, it wasn't free anymore but the price I paid at the time I felt like was completely worth it, use it anytime I need to get myself working on my thesis

  20. You are such an inspiration voor me to do things alone and see things in a different view. This summer I started to do more things alone, even went a whole day to a fantasy festival alone. A year ago I would have never done that…. It made me realize that if I want to do fun things I shouldn't have to depend on others, why should I skip or miss out on those things, because there is no one to go with me? Looking forward to more tips and views on selfcare, thank you for everything you create and share <3

  21. I did a solo trip to London back in October, and it was so mentally helpful. I went on the trip thinking I was happy with life and came back, realizing I was avoiding stuff that makes me happy as it wasn't "perfect." I had a big to-do list of things I was saving for the right moment, and going on my solo trip made me realize I wouldn't ever find perfect if I waited for it. Such a freeing experience that couldn't have happened without this alone time. So highly recommend doing a solo trip.

  22. I miss escaping into a book. I read so much when I was younger now I spend my days working and doing the crazy amounts of homework assigned to me it feels like I have no time ㅠㅠ

  23. This video is all I needed these days ❤ srsly thank you Cari, I took good notes of all you said 🤓

  24. Sometimes, you'll find that just moving and watching are enough. I learnt this during my first solo backpack when I was ten years old. ( I needed to feel a sense of safety as well as of having escaped after four years of beatings and rape ). I couldn't, and I wouldn't, travel/live any other way beyond being solo. To increase being ' left alone ' I'll start my travels in Korea next year in November. It's a ' need to feel I have escaped' ' thing.

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