Gardening Trends

Patio Cocktail Trees – A Tasty Gardening Trend

Lemons and limes on the same tree? One that produces fruit even when growing inside? Sounds impossibly sweet and sour. But just think of it, no more picking citrus at the store. Not when you can walk outside to the patio, or inside near a sunny window and harvest lemons and limes year-round.

Patio cocktail trees. It’s a new trend growing effortlessly across the country. And it can be more than two fruits on one tree.

If you’re looking for even more fruit flavor available right outside your door choose a patio cocktail tree that grows a variety Apples, or one with three, four, or even five fruits together. Plums, nectarines, apricots, peaches; one tree can become a source for an entire fruit cocktail.

Next time you’re pushing a shopping cart down the produce aisle, picking from a fruit selection that doesn’t seem all that fresh, remember the patio cocktail tree. When it comes to your fruit, stop going, and start growing.

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