Japanese Garden

Zen Garden – Live Feeder Cam

Welcome to Zen Garden. A little place we like to visit when we feel the need to unwind and feed some local critters. Now you can too! Whether you need some down time, a quiet corner to meditate or just an escape from your day, Zen Garden will always be there waiting for you.

Beef pellets, chicken pellets, veggie pellets, and crushed corn are the available feeders that are hooked up to Zen Garden. Depending on the time of day, different animals will be attracted to different foods.

Animals that you will see in the garden include, but are not limited to, cats, hedgehogs, tortoises, a variety of different birds, weasels, and in rare cases, foxes. Many of them have discovered the food, and clean water source and are already setting up real estate nearby. We’re hoping many, many more discover Zen Garden and we can service a packed house of hungry little critters!

The fountain was built by our very own meditation nut, Clawkeeper Willie. We hope you like it!

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