Front Yard Garden

Trail Cam Captures What No One Was Supposed to See

The inventor of the trail cam had one goal: to provide humanity with an exciting new means of documenting the comings and goings of wild animals. For the most part, the groundbreaking device has successfully accomplished this mission. On occasion, however, a trail cam captures what nobody was supposed to see.

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  1. Last time I saw the picture of the dog man it were taken by a woman coming home in Wisconsin a couple of years ago my how the story changes with the pictures again 😅

  2. # missing topic:
    I'm going to say human dressed in fur.
    Looking at the neck line and jaw, IT'S a good job.. but you can see the placement for the face. Even a nose there..
    Kinda big bobcat head .
    But mostly the tennis shoes..

  3. Although very rare there are wild jaguars in America, as well as there are American crocodiles in Florida they are not invasive, they naturally occur here!

  4. The creature hiding behind the log is a fox the black is the Shadow on its ears guys are just below it

  5. Michigan farm as a panther they had a Northeast and panther that was more athletic and agile than the Western mountain cat

  6. The bluish white ones usually in three or four higher altitudes Orange it's almost like a peach color balls come lower to the ground I always believed there are probes alien I've seen him on many occasions especially on taro and the Northeast sidings go back to the early 16 1700s

  7. The white deer are also up through New York New England, I've seen him a few times refused to shoot him you don't kill spirit animal ♥️👍

  8. I have that song on my playlist. But according to the song, there were claw marks on a church door and police recorded it was a wolf……he would have stood 7 foot 4

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