Japanese Garden

100+ Pro Tours Between These Two Legendary Players | 5-Color Enigmatic Incarnation vs Atarka Red

We pit an old-guard Hall-of-Fame member Frank Karsten against new Guard champion Andrea Mengucci this week in the most important format for professional MTG right now: Pioneer.

🖇️🔥 Decklists: https://bit.ly/3ASHQbL
!Opinions expressed in this video are those of the author/video creator and not necessarily Cardmarket.

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  1. Really like the videos with these guys, the post match analysis discussion is great.

  2. Really fun bringing in these mtg legends to battle it out.
    I kind of wish they played longer sets, maybe best of 5, but I assume you have them in the studio to record multiple matchups across multiple videos so that's probably the better tradeoff.

  3. Put Frank on pure control just to mess with him. And not combo because he showed he can sequence haha (duh, hall of fame).
    But yeah…just pure control with one planeswalker wincon or creature land.

  4. I LOVE Pioneer content, and y'all have the best around. Plus, watching someone play a spicy brew of my beloved Atarka deck? It's an early Christmas present!

    If there's a way to officially request more Pioneer content, sign me up!

  5. Loved the players and the decks! Mainly the 5c Enigmatic Incarnation. So much versatility!

  6. Excellent content!
    Thank you for keeping this going.
    More Frank and Andrea please.

  7. always love when you invite mengu, I can't wait you to have Mangu and Spike in a vidéo you produce, it would be the total best

  8. I love Frank’s deck, I’ve been 8whacking kitchen tables since zendikar 2 with uncommons

  9. Really love the animations/sound effects for the cards. Really simple things that add so much to the videos. And great competitors!

  10. Would love to see my personal all time favorite deck getting played by you folks: SOULFLAYER! I’ve seen some sweet lists floating around, and in a bunch of different flavors. If you want I can post my favs

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