Edible Gardening

Wild Harvest Foraging Tips Vol 3 | Les Stroud | TV series

We’ve been pulling together all the tips we have gleaned from our new series “Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest”. There are many more to come and we will launch them here on most Saturdays! Enjoy!

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#Survivorman #LesStroud


  1. Love watching these- you can see the time, effort and research put into each episode

  2. Thank you for what you do it's very informative and relaxing which helps me alot when living in a stressful city environment I'm a huge fan and would love to look for sasquatch with you sometime. I had a strange encounter with something near cave junction while camping along time ago that I still can't explain and would like to go back and investigate that area.

  3. My God, the flies. I wouldnโ€™t be able to deal with that for long. Especially if they bite. Either would have to cover my face and neck and arms in mud, or have a head net.

  4. I am so grateful for this show. My passion for the outdoors was truly ignited when I was introduced to Survivorman as a teen.

  5. Its around the time of year my father passed about 4 years ago now and watching les and all his vast knowledge of nature and survival it reminds me of my dad, when I watch you I feel close to my dad and Iโ€™m so grateful that you are posting consistently keep up the great work les we appreciate itโค๏ธ

  6. Les. I've been following you since I was a kid when you filmed your first Survivorman pilot. You do amazing work and Wild Harvest represents the pinnacle of your eye and current camera tech in sync. I hope you never stop what you do.

  7. Hello from British Columbia Canada

  8. I really would of wanted to see you start something like survivormen, where you bring a non woodsman or I guess anyone of your fans with on a whole season, different person different episode but shadow the original and see if it would of benefited you in some cases or not lol I seen the few of you bringing people on here or there but I think you could of done another 4-5 seasons worth of shows by bringing on your fans and calling it survivormen series. Go to the same places, well not exact bit general ares. If you decide to one day? Please I would be honored! I love your shows and love survival but never had a chance to get out and try it, let alone in another state or unknown country and try it. Man that would be a memory like having a child! One of the greats. Anyways thanks Les for all your sacrifices and knowledge shared.


  9. Thanks for these videos les, as a sustainable urbanist and permaculture gardener itโ€™s always fascinating to see your excursions into the wild and the freedom there in. It makes me wish for a like more connected to the ecosystem of Gaia

  10. Les, I just wanted to say that I have been watching all of your shows since I was a little boy. You have helped me find what I wanted to do in life. You helped me appreciate our world. I just wanted to say, to this day, you still inspire me and help me. I still watch everything you do. I wanted to tell you, 3 days ago, I quit smoking weed which made me lazy, and content with my failures. You have inspired me to ditch my bad habits, and get out and appreciate the beauty of our world. I am now seeking to better myself and my soul, and you are ultimately the one who led me to this decision for nothing more than showing me our world is more than whats inside of a joint. I have smoked morning till night for 9 years straight.

    I just wanted you to know, you still do, and will always inspire me to seek more adventure, and not accept my shortcomings. You have showed me that even if you're alone in this world, or you think you are, you're not. and someone somewhere is always looking for you. Thank you from the depths of my heart for always inspiring me to do more, and to challenge myself, no matter the outcome, because that's life. It consists of many ups and downs, but to just keep moving, and to survive. Im now on a personal journey to rediscover myself, outside of my 4 walls, and addictions. Thank you Les. Thank you for everything you do.

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