Front Yard Garden

Landscape Rock Installation and Cleanup 7.19.18

Landscape Community, Lawn Care Community


  1. The only thing worse than putting down landscape rock… taking away landscape rock when they want it changed. Not a fan of the rock! LOL. Make a lot of money this week man!

  2. I'm just starting my home and garden business. I appreciated your video. When someone posts negative comments on landscaping videos its, more about them. Negative energy should be spent on real world issues like hate crimes ….. not the type of rock in someone's yard. Thank you for posting.

  3. I just bought my first home and need to rake up the old rocks, lay down new barrier and then lay down the same rock. The old barrier is so worn that a lot of soil and weeds have gotten through. Any suggestions?

  4. This is what I want to do to my front yard as it's a small space but would love to remove the grass and put rocks so I can make a little patio looking section. Thanks for the vid!! ☺ By far the best one I've seen after researching vids all morning. Thanks again!

  5. whats the quickest way to pick up the rocks from the ground instead of using a shovel

  6. I respect the video and it was helpful but I feel like I can't help myself but mention the kid who gets bushwacked @ 5:50 on the dot. Lol

  7. Don’t listen to haters typing on the computer. Most of them aren’t out there doing the grind like you! Ignore them and you’ll only get better

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