Japanese Garden

Aquariums | Japanology Plus – S02E94 | NHK World

Título Original: Japanology Plus – Aquariums
Publicado em 2018-2019
Créditos: Japanology Plus
Publicação Original: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7mogyh

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Descrição Original do Autor:

Episode Number : 94
Season : 2
Originally Aired : Tuesday, November 6, 2018

About 20% of all the world’s aquariums are found in Japan. Many feature unique specialties, from jellyfish to frozen river scenery. Others borrow techniques from Japanese garden design. This time on Japanology Plus, our theme is aquariums. Our main guest is Hajime Nakamura, an “aquarium producer” who explains why these aquatic utopias are so enduringly popular. And in Plus One, Matt Alt goes behind the scenes at the Sumida Aquarium at Tokyo Skytree Town.

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